Without Bush to kick around

Works? It's broke.

It has it's problems. without it 60%-70% of health care institutions in the US go belly up within sixth months. Yeah, let's get rid of Medicare. :grinno:

No system run by human beings is going to be perfect. Do you want Cato to be without access to health care?
Should the feds drop out of medical busines, those who fall by the wayside aren't strong enough anyway. They're already sucking off the teet of society. Better stronger businesses will come along.

As for Cato, and others on Medicare...state programs eixst. Private groups used to handle these situations, they can again. Not for profits can take over. There are lots of options that don't include the Feds.

However, given we already have Medicare & ther enever has been a program that disappeared, let's' not make matters worse by encouraging new programs.
When I was in the states recently, the BF had to go to the dentist, which cost an arm & a leg, and was decidedly less holistic in its approach than here. In NZ, the dentist typically x-rays everything, & will point out potential problem areas as well as fixing any current problems; stateside, the dentist only examined the problem area, and didn't bother x-raying anything else (not without having the chequebook out). Dentistry is not subsidised in NZ (like the US), however, value for money, the dentistry in New York ended up costing 4x what it would have cost in NZ.

It just seems that you guys pay far too much for the services.
I see my dentist twice a year, and every other visit I get xrays. For the basic clean & polish they charge me $80.00 and for the xray, clean & polish they charge $120.00. I pay for it myself and it is well worth it.
But the obvious question is, was your BF's dental visit an EMERGENCY or did he arrive in the U.S. and thought "hey, as long as I'm here I might as well get my teeth cleaned?" Since he's not a regular customer, he should've told them what he wanted done instead of expecting a certain level of service and then wondering why when he didn't get it. :shrug:
No system run by human beings is going to be perfect. Do you want Cato to be without access to health care?

even without medicare, the hospitals can't turn you away.
That's separate ain't it?

here there are several places to apply for financial help.

PeachCare has helped us several times, but I don't know if they are subsidized.
Should the feds drop out of medical busines, those who fall by the wayside aren't strong enough anyway. They're already sucking off the teet of society. Better stronger businesses will come along.

As for Cato, and others on Medicare...state programs eixst. Private groups used to handle these situations, they can again. Not for profits can take over. There are lots of options that don't include the Feds.

However, given we already have Medicare & ther enever has been a program that disappeared, let's' not make matters worse by encouraging new programs.
Dump those weak bastards in the gutter where they belong. Old people and the infirmed should be euthanized anyway (unless they can afford private insurance).

Close Medicaid and Medicare for good! Then we can tackle the rest of the freeloaders... like foreign governments.
Old people and the infirmed should be euthanized anyway

Is that why the current legislation specifically calls for "end of life" counseling?

Hey, we can turn you down for a $44,000 surgery now & you take the yellow pill. It costs $4.00 at the Wal Mart pharmacy.
It encourages people to make decisions about end-of-life. Do you want to be a on life support or not?

What the fuck is so hard about that?

Oh that's right the crazy fucking misinformation squad got to with their lies and you just believed whackos like Palin without checking again.

Nice work.
Sorry, Gonz. I don't think that's what "counseling" is... they don't give you a pill to put you down like a race horse with a broken leg.

If someone is dying and there's no hope, let them die in their home instead of around strangers in a hospital.

Let them make a choice about their life with their family & friends.

Sure, make that choice with family and friends and then maybe let your healthcare provider know what you came up with. ;)
If you can't make your point through intelligent discussion and facts, make up some scary shit. Then sit back and watch the sheeple bleat on cue. :rolleyes:
....you just believed whackos like Palin without checking again.

Nice work.

"Crazy fucking misinformation squad, scary shit, and wackos--Oh my!"

How could they drop a provision if it wasn't in the bill?

Palin Power: Senate Removes ‘End of Life’ Provisions

Palin, apparently an irrelevant quitter yet strangely powerful typer, forces the Senate to do the right thing with two Facebook posts. This is called leadership and will prevail regardless of the medium. It also speaks to the impact and import of Palin’s positions despite the establishments, both political and media, insistence (aka strange, misplaced hope) that she’s irrelevant.

Palin responded again last night on Facebook to attacks on her exposure of the Death Panels as part of Obama’s DeathCare agenda. This time she did it with a hard slap at the Obama admin and viola, after being derided as “nuts” and out-of-touch, Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee made this statement today:

It is nice work!
Palin is a perfect example of American politics. Whether they realize it or not, people who favor her often just follow some vague notion, but what really counts is that she is a "hottie". You think Clinton got in on politics? Regardless of what your kneejerk reaction is, Billy has charm in a big way. That matterse a loto more them you would think.

Palin is a whack job, and she is repeatedly giving us the evidence. No one will want to even be associated with her by 2012.