woah, 30 minutes and still running

the brand is TDE (i think it is mexican), 1000VA, running the monitor, cable modem, speakers and cpu :headbang:
he's offline now, but he wanted me to let you all know it didn't last too much longer... :lol:
Still, 30 min is damn good. My UPSessss are only 350va, fortunately I haven't had to find out first hand yet, but I'd bet I get less than 10 min, maybe less with the 17" monitor.
or until you can pull the downed powerline in through the window and patch it into the power supply ;)
* looks to the left of his laptop at a 14"
* looks to the right of his laptop at a 14"
* looks at his 13" laptop

Sorry, Luis, Did you say something?
you're kidding, right luis?

that's 14" CRT!? :eek:

if so, then damned mexico is that far away otherwise i would have send my spare 17"....
Shadowfax said:
you're kidding, right luis?

that's 14" CRT!? :eek:

if so, then damned mexico is that far away otherwise i would have send my spare 17"....

I think you missed the thread about my 17" going to warranty, then borrowing a 14" from a friend (that went south) and borrowing yet another 14" from my sister0s bf (which is the one i'm using right now)