Womb environment 'makes men gay'

I guess if the mother doesn't douche, the kid won't ever want to go back.

What a load of horseshit. Being gay is a choice.
It seems to me that a family full of brothers would kick the homos ass :shrug:
This has SFA to do with blaming the mother...or blaming anyone for that matter. Hell, the word 'blame' is insulting to say the least.
"It's your fault our son's gay" :finger:

This is just another straw on the back of those who still think that homosexuality is only a 'choice' and not biological in nature.

One day that back might break...just not around here, eh? :rolleyes:
MrBishop said:
This has SFA to do with blaming the mother...or blaming anyone for that matter. Hell, the word 'blame' is insulting to say the least.
"It's your fault our son's gay" :finger:

This is just another straw on the back of those who still think that homosexuality is only a 'choice' and not biological in nature.

One day that back might break...just not around here, eh? :rolleyes:
And once again, why does anyone at all care?
chcr said:
And once again, why does anyone at all care?
Those that think that its a choice also think that its an immoral choice and treat it, and homosexuals, as such. If it's biological in nature, there is no 'choice' in the matter and thus homosexuals can't be judged to be immoral, since they are effectively behaving like nature made them.

Those who tend to judge based on religious morals are often further ticked at the very idea that God might have made some people homosexual.
highwayman said:
It's an issue of morality and personal responsibility of actions...
So, it's up to you to decide what is or isn't moral for everyone? Interesting that when someone else tries to get you to follow their morality, that's wrong.

I don't get at all what personal responsibility for actions has to do with it. You either do or don't take responsibility for your actions. Sexuality or lack thereof has no bearing whatsoever.
chcr said:
So, it's up to you to decide what is or isn't moral for everyone? Interesting that when someone else tries to get you to follow their morality, that's wrong.

Never claimed to be moraly supirior, don't confuse mob justice with independant choice...
chcr said:
Actually you did.

How did you make that connection? Using that logic if I offered an over the counter aspirin for a headach I could be acused of dealing drugs...So I am wrong for voicing an opinion and you are insulted...
highwayman said:
How did you make that connection? Using that logic if I offered an over the counter aspirin for a headach I could be acused of dealing drugs...So I am wrong for voicing an opinion and you are insulted...
1. I was not and am not offended. I was simply pointing out your error in interpreting your own statement. Nobody is ever wrong for voicing an opinion. A great many people share your opinion. This makes it neither right nor wrong, it just makes it your opinion.

2. You stated it was a morality issue. Clearly you are referring to that version of morality which you espouse. The clear implication is that this particular morality is more valid than any that might be espoused by anyone in disagreement, therefore you are claiming moral superiority.

3. Morality is a philosophical construct. It really doesn't exist except in the mind.

I find it frankly amusing that so many people seem to think that what they perceive as moral is the only possible acceptable morality.

Edit: BTW, you can get kicked out of most high schools nowadays for dealing drugs if you do offer someone an aspirin. The law is an ass. :shrug:
yeah and ain't them social constructs mostly
(with exception of the Liberal points of view)
constructed for the betterment of society?

Perhaps condoning two plookers plookin' isn't going to destroy the western world

Perhaps demeaning the institution of marriage by equating a biblical sin
with holy matrimony doesn't exactly stand to improve the already deteriorating state of the American family.

So in summation, Fags ain't the moral bedrock of society
and they sure as Hell ain't the role models for anything.
2minkey said:
well yer wrong about one thing. morality is a social construct. but otherwise, yer right on.
See, I disagree about that. It's a philosophical construct that is accepted by society, IMHO.
Winky said:
yeah and ain't them social constructs mostly
(with exception of the Liberal points of view)
constructed for the betterment of society?
So in a society where it's moral to mutilate your 12 year old girl's genitalia, that betters the society? If you'd been raised in that society you would certainly think so. :shrug: