Professur said:Poured 'crete will stop a 2x4 cold. Block won't. Seems like a good enough reason to pour for me. But I'm a fan of the "safe room" idea. A concrete walkin pantry in the middle of the house. Twister, hurricane, nuke, rabid mod? Head there and sit it out.
Professur said:I imagine in Kansas, tornado protection isn't an option.
unclehobart said:impervious heavy plastic polymer
Simple physics, add more energy to a closed system, get more energy out.We don't have basements... but then again, we don't often have tornados... although that seems to be slowly changing...
So, let me see if I understand. Unc builds a house, then Aunty blows it to smithereens? Just want to make sure I'm clear on that when the investigation starts.Hmm, I wonder how it would react to napalm...