World AIDS day

Professur said:
Your statistics fail to document one important detail. How many of those infected wimmen got infected from a guy, who got it from a guy?
...or who got it from a guy who got it off of a blood transfusion or IV drug use or...

The point's not just a gay disease anymore, and the fact that people assume that it's a gay disease only means that the world needs an AIDS Day to inform them that they're only fooling death.
MrBishop said:
The point's not just a gay disease anymore, and the fact that people assume that it's a gay disease only means that the world needs an AIDS Day to inform them that they're only fooling death.

MrBishop said:
At the end of 2004, the CDC estimates that 415,193 people were living with AIDS in the USA.1

Of these,
  • 11% were exposed through heterosexual contact

    • My slutty youth ended the day I truly learned about HIV, its causes & its outcome. As great as wanton, casual sex can be, it's not worth my life.

      Want to stop AIDS/HIV? Stop slutting around. The few unlucky souls who caught it by legitimate transfusions, etc, are just that, unlucky. Once the virus stops getting passed around, the chances of the unlucky getting it drops precipitously.

      It's a voluntary death sentence, with few exceptions.
i think it's unlikely that everyone with aids is slutty. i heard a speaker once who contracted it after she got married. she'd previously been a virgin. her husband had a wild past but didn't know he had aids.

understood that testing is very important. i think all couples, sexually active or not, should get the battery of std tests.
there are people who think that it can't happen to them.

that's what world aid's day is for!

-know you are still at some risk even if you don't engage in the usual "risky behaviors"
-get tested, even if it's "just 'cause".

i have found a lot of people online who used the day as a good prod to get tested. "just 'cause". but it's still a great idea.
MrBishop said:
...or who got it from a guy who got it off of a blood transfusion or IV drug use or...

The point's not just a gay disease anymore, and the fact that people assume that it's a gay disease only means that the world needs an AIDS Day to inform them that they're only fooling death.

Anymore. You own word. But the simple facts are that

A: it's not an easy disease to get.
B: You're more likely to get Hep from a transfusion than HIV, and always have been
C: Gay, Bi or drug user. I'm really not gonna lose any sleep over any of them. The simplest of morals would have protected them. They were damned by their own choices.
D: As for the children ... the sins of the father ..... If their own families don't care enough to protect them, why am I gonna lose any sleep? As stated above, it's a self regulating problem.
ash said:
her husband had a wild past but didn't know he had aids.

Slutty. She was the unlucky of which I spoke. I got tested, twice, just to be certain. It's no big deal.
ash r said:
i think it's unlikely that everyone with aids is slutty. i heard a speaker once who contracted it after she got married. she'd previously been a virgin. her husband had a wild past but didn't know he had aids.

She either knew of his past, and ignored it, or didn't know. Either way, it doesn't sound like prime marriage form to me. The missus had a full rundown of my past (what I could remember of it) and medical history long before she ever said "I do".
Professur said:
She either knew of his past, and ignored it, or didn't know. Either way, it doesn't sound like prime marriage form to me. The missus had a full rundown of my past (what I could remember of it) and medical history long before she ever said "I do". were tested for HIV/AIDS before you first had unprotected sex with your wife?
MrBishop said:
...or who got it from a guy who got it off of a blood transfusion or IV drug use or...
The transfusion guy is unlucky but the likelyhood of that even before regular testing was vanishingly small. The IV drug user takes his chances with lots of other stuff too...

MrBishop said:
The point's not just a gay disease anymore, and the fact that people assume that it's a gay disease only means that the world needs an AIDS Day to inform them that they're only fooling death.
It never was a gay disease. It started from sailors fucking monkeys then fucking whores. It simply spread in the gay community first in America and Europe. It had already been running wild through African heterosexuals for years before we ever heard of it.
chcr said:
It never was a gay disease. It started from sailors fucking monkeys then fucking whores. It simply spread in the gay community first in America and Europe. It had already been running wild through African heterosexuals for years before we ever heard of it.
My point exactly. It was and continues to be used as a club to beat homosexuality over the head with. All the while heterosexuals sleep around blindly saying to themselves..."It'll never happen to me". we've seen here. It's only "Gay, Bi or drug user. I'm really not gonna lose any sleep over any of them. The simplest of morals would have protected them."

Blinders are no protection vs. AIDS.
Blinders may not be but abstinence, or at least limitations & self control, works wonders.
I don't think it started from people having sex with monkeys, seems more likely it somehow transmitted to someone involved in hunting or slaughtering monkeys or other creatures in Africa.

The hunter(s) then passed it on to prostitute(s) living along the so-called "AIDS highway" in Africa, the long transport road through the centre of the continent beside which lie many brothels frequented by many workers and travellers, who contracted it from prostitutes, then passed it on to their wives, girlfriends, flings, one night stands.

So it was never a gay disease, really. Just identified in the smaller homosexual community. It doesn't help anyone to try and label it as a gay disease.

We have reached the point, however, where people in developed countries really should not be getting HIV or other STDs in such great numbers. Those in Africa have somewhat of an excuse, where the education is patchy and there are many myths and rumours floating around about the nature of the disease. Most distasteful of them being that having sex with a virgin cures the illness.

The Catholic church doesn't appear to be helping a great deal, but then the church's perogative is the spiritual health of its flock, not the physical.
where you been some remote outta way place like Ireland er Scotland er sumthin'?

Everyone knows it was a joint CIA\U.S. Army biological weapons experiment gone wrong, sheesh!

C'mon Joe pass me 'nother heapin' helpin' of them monkeys brains down here!
So we're back to the main point...What is the most common way that AIDS is spread?
bastard cheating husbands who go out and share iv drugs and don't wrap it while porking whores, not bothering of course to share that info with their happily monogomous wives?
"What" Grotto you really don't know or are you
merely trying to get someone to answer your question
and steer this thread in a different direction?

(everyone knows the answer, heh but doesn’t want to admit it)