Would you rather be...?

Which would you rather be?

  • Rich and misereable

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Poor and happy

    Votes: 15 68.2%

  • Total voters
tonks said:
they already have that herbal remedy mare....:smoke:.....but eventually you have to wonder what else there is besides money...i mean, i've had a taste before, wouldn't mind it again but it's not worth being unhappy over.

Oh gess I'm not talking about that kind of herbal remedy-Shoot-get pariniod and all. Plus, drug testing is in most job opportunities now adays, there has to be something else besides prescription,prozac,zoloft,etc.....
Mare said:
Oh gess I'm not talking about that kind of herbal remedy-Shoot-get pariniod and all. Plus, drug testing is in most job opportunities now adays, there has to be something else besides prescription,prozac,zoloft,etc.....
*everyone pay attention - these words are actually coming out of my mouth*...

but you can't rely on a pill or anything else for your happiness...

that's just false happiness....false happiness may seem like enough at the time but one day you will wake up so low....and you won't remember how you got there or why you even put yourself through it...you'll pick yourself up and decide that you want the real mccoy....or die trying.

Money talks
But it don't sing and dance
And it don't walk
And long as I can have you here with me
I'd much rather be
Forever in blue jeans

just a little neil diamond to stress the point.
What I want in my life more than anything, money, stuff, a good job - is love. I want someone to share my life with, someone to laugh with, someone to share my dreams with, someone to spend all night making love to, the list goes on and on.... I know, it may sound simplistic - but I honestly believe that I would be happier if I could have a loving relationshjp in my life and poor than if I had money and a job that stressed me out to get it.
Hey BCD, were we twins, seperated at birth?


I've yet to meet the truly poor & happy nor the rich & miserable. Sorry, it isn't that black & white.
Gonz said:
I've yet to meet the truly poor & happy nor the rich & miserable. Sorry, it isn't that black & white.

Yup, usually In reality Rich are the happy ones and poor ones are miserable. Money may not be able to buy complete happiness but you'd be surprised at how far it will go to please you....and if money can't buy you hapiness then why are poor people always complaining for it!!!!
i guess the whole point of the money can't buy happiness arguement is that no matter how much money you have fate can still find a way to screw you over....if it's not one thing it's another....but i tire of worrying about money...worrying about something else miggght be a nice change of pace.
tonks said:
i guess the whole point of the money can't buy happiness arguement is that no matter how much money you have fate can still find a way to screw you over....

See this my problem with people...stop leaving things up to fate, god, or an all omnipotent being...accept you problems and deal with them. I am not neccessarily talking about you Tonksy but about those who accept the cards "fate" dealth them and then fear life from thereon.

Here is a hint - "maybe god doesn't like you"...maybe he fucks you over so much because you're a panzy who gives in everytime....maybe its a cosmic lesson to get balls.

Or maybe god just doesn't care or just doesn't exist and all that happens to you isn't some fortold and preplanned event written in the stars. These people need to stop reading the Horoscope and take control of their lives.

Fuck no i won't accept being poor...i'll try my damn hardest to make my family be well fed and well clothed, i don't care if some others have to suffer a little because those others would have done the same in my place. Being rich isn't bad because in the end we care for only ourselves....the rich care for themselves and the poor care for themselves....giving to charity may take that fact away for a while from people head but they are reminded in every tragic situation that your child or lover comes first.

Fuck fate and fuck the horoscopes.....i'll take the wheel and drive my own life.
okay...so maybe fate wasn't the right word to use...okay so i suppose what i really meant was that no matter how much money you have....it can't ensure happiness because
and shit will always happen...you can't get away from it...look at the kennedy's!
Yup....the difference is there are those who accept it and move on and then those who sit their blame fate and luck.
Shit Happens is the best piece of bumper sticker pholosophy in years. So true & so simple. Rich or poor, happy or miserable or some combination, it doesn't matter. Life is what you make it. If you can't roll with the shit then it's all downhill.
Poor and happy....., if i'm already happy why would I want the money?