Southern Discomfort
It was a full 20 seconds before Candace noticed that the amusing native set her capris on fire while she lit her Virginia Slim.
..and like most reptiles, they have no external genitalia to speak of, so you never know what gender you're dabbling with intil it's too lateThat picture reminds me... Lori knows a guy who says that in a prior life, he was a bi-curious dragon. I can't help but wonder what it would be like for dragons to go down on each other... since, you know, they breathe fire...
From the Strange things you can do to a car file...I bring you another installment.
No longer able to use her cell phone in her car, Delores tries a land-line.
In an effort to appease as many fringe voters as possible, Barrack Obama has selected his VP running mate.