There were warnings, had anyone stopped their spamming for a few seconds and started paying attention.

If spam is going to be the main purpose of this site, then count me out, you guys can start looking for another admin.
come on guys, everyone relax about the thread. The only real problem i have with the thread is the fact that it could trash the board if it crashes. Which would mean 2 things.
1. we would have to rebuild the site and nobody could get here untill it was done.
2. all of your post in that thread would be gone and some of you would lose your high post counts.(which we cannot put back up to what it was)
All I am interested in is the well being of the forum software. Its a freebie and none of us "really" knows just how much it will take.
So as long as everyone knows the chances we are taking with it and your willing to take the risk...
goddamn it, some of the spam on here is hilarious. Does every single post have to be intelligent, thoroughly thought out, and world-changing? Damn.

I would've thought LL's polls alone would be an example of meaningful conversations on this board. :D
samcurry said:
come on guys, everyone relax about the thread. The only real problem i have with the thread is the fact that it could trash the board if it crashes. Which would mean 2 things.
1. we would have to rebuild the site and nobody could get here untill it was done.
2. all of your post in that thread would be gone and some of you would lose your high post counts.(which we cannot put back up to what it was)
All I am interested in is the well being of the forum software. Its a freebie and none of us "really" knows just how much it will take.
So as long as everyone knows the chances we are taking with it and your willing to take the risk...

You seriously don't know how much it can take? Damn thats a little scary. (Not meant to offend, just really didn't realize that)
Oh, so you have no problem with the endless spam that's going on in there? I know I'm a hypocrite and spammed a few times myself, but jeezus christ, some people have a good percentage well over 10% of their entire post counts in that fucking thread.

Luis demonstrated that the thing is all too stable by posting 300 times to it in one hour, I don't think it's gonna crash, Sam.
Ive did my one and only SPAM run within what I thought was the supposed purist spam thread (ie 10,000). Everything else has been at least thought out before tossed out to the crowd. If you think certain members of the board are overly spamtastic, call them out by name in a PM or something. If there have been specific complaints, lets address them. I don't want everyone to suddenly pick up thier cricket bats and storm off in a huff over fairly trivial matters.
some of the spam on here is hilarious
Nuff said.

Key word SOME.

This is going a little too far when people spend their entire day posting to the 10k thread.
I never wanted to pad my numbers via that thread. I always considered myself to be a slow consitent poster who just hung about all day. I was just doing what I thought was helping do the site a 'road test' favor. The posts are just fluff to me. If it will help.. just delete my posts and numbers from that thread. They arent wit or thought.. just fluff.
I've got an idea, how about making the posts to the 10,000 post thread not count? Can we do that? I too posted alot of crap in that thread, and if those posts didn't count, it's no skin off my back.
Oh well, piss. You couldn't put it in it's own category, then not count them, could you?
Would there be any objection from the riotous crowd if we moved this thread to Kiddie Korner, just to get it off the top of LL page?
Unfortunately no.

If we were on vBulletin, I could, but this is phpBB, would need to modify a lot of the code and then make a bit of code that recounts all users posts, ignoring the forums that are set not to count posts.

It would take a great deal of effort for what is essentially a small change.
I thought you were god... why dontcha just hocus pocus it over there and erase our minds of it all.

... and feed the hungry kids in Malaysia while youre at it.
Okay, I really don't get everyone's problem here.

Somebody please give me ONE reason why things have "gone a little too far" when people post all the time in the 10,000 thread???
This is an empty empty empty reason that is just made of words and no sense - people are just throwing out there. If it's about the software, then fine. But what the hell is all this deal about "things have gone too far"?
What is wrong with posting in that thread?
Why shouldn't posts in there count?

No one has come up with any solid reason for this bilge yet.
OK if its stable enough thats fine. I dont know the software that well.
fury is the keeper of the software and its limitations.
No not every post has to be serious, but we are having people sign up and getting nervous about opening things either at home or work for fear it could be something that could get them into trouble. That is not something any of us want(at least i dont think so).
example: last week i open the site goto Lunatic and find almost all the new post were about sex. Or infered sex of some sort. And as much as I like it too, it could get anyone of us at work and posting into trouble.

It not as if we have ever laid down the law here but some of it is getting out of control and needs to settle a little.
The thread is open and posting has resumed, so lets just get back to fun as usual.
You guys go on and have your little spammy fun, I'll just sit back and maybe post a little if some interesting discussion pops up.