Funny, I was involved in the same kind of discussion about two months ago on another forum (dutch one, you probably don't know it anyways), where people were complaining about the whole atmosphere, and how we should get it back to how it used to be. Rules were being introduced too, but eventually, we got to the conclusion that we shouldn't be whining over how good it used to be, but how it's gonna be in the future.
My point is: I agree, I too joined in derailing threads and got carried away in the process, constantly pushing the limits, but since even the mods joined in the spamming and derailing, how was I supposed to know? I don't even know if it should be called spamming, I don't care about post count either, the 10K thread is just an example of a useless thread in which people can post, and everyone seemed to accept it, even encourage the spamming. Offcourse there would be objections if every thread or board was spammed, but in this case it's an isolated place which bothers few people...
There, I said what I wanted. I won't argue over moving the thread, I think it helps keeping LL sort of clean, and I do agree with bringing back the post limit and removing some extreme posts, but now that that's over, let's not look back at how it should have gone, but let's move on, continue posting and keeping OTC a place where people like to hang out and post stuff they can't at other forums...
I hereby promise to keep an eye on what I post, how much I post, and how many people might be offended by it, but let's all promise to keep this community a community, talk to people if you're really offended, and let's not forget: don't take every comment serious, it's OTC for crying out loud...