i think the posts that go one
















give it away for me

i do take the point that perhaps glorifying the count with 'well done on x000' threads don't help but i've always seen them as merely congrats. makes me think :)
unclehobart said:
Not that I mind... I'm just wondering wether Gonzo is considered to be admin or if hes just playing with the open parameters of the holy alt.

I am an admin. I have full authority, but unless it gets out of hand, I leave it to the main admin (fury) or the moderators. I stepped in today to back up our main administrator more than any other reason. My main responsibility is to assist the site owner & watch those (read Xibase) interests.
Protest. My name has been attributed to a misquote. Either take my name off of that quote or change it to paraphrase.
unclehobart said:
On whose authority? fury or GODzo?

Not that I mind... I'm just wondering wether Gonzo is considered to be admin or if hes just playing with the open parameters of the holy alt.
:confuse3: I see a half a quote, not a misquote :confuse3:
Leslie said:
unclehobart said:
On whose authority? fury or GODzo?

Not that I mind... I'm just wondering wether Gonzo is considered to be admin or if hes just playing with the open parameters of the holy alt.
:confuse3: I see a half a quote, not a misquote :confuse3:

The "Not that I mind.." was directed towards the previous comment, methinks, it makes a difference in it's meaning without it.
k.... thanks.. sorry for being picky. I just don't like having quotes being busted down to less than the original meaning. It makes Gonzo look like a mod when he isnt. Gonzo is a normal member. Its the GODzo persona that always threw me. I never saw why he shouldn't wear an admin title full time if he has admin powers. I was being picky about both halves of the quote because he goes under both names. Both names were needed to convey the full meaning I had intended. ... perhaps I should just wander off for a fistful of aspirin and take my 'touchy, touchy' suit off. Its been a rather heated day for all of us 'round here.
misquoted Unc said:
I never saw why he shouldn't wear an admin title full time if he has admin powers...

Never took the time to do it. Execpt for one liners that might be attributable to Jehovah-assumptions on my part-and work in that setting, I don't post under that name. It get confusing at times too. Nothing like a full blown commentary, "submit", then have to edit post, copy all, delete post, log out, log in, refind the thread & paste under the other name.

Maybe it's time. :biker:
just cause I can't spend HOURS here on a daily basis.

Also, one point about the threads being in KK. Isn't the whole point of that forum to punish people when the do something wrong? Does it REALLY make sense to put spam threads in there so they can DRASTICALLY increase their post counts while being "locked away"?

I realise you weren't saying it was people's only reason, Nixy. I didn't say that. But the very idea of it just doesn't seem even worth bringing up.

Anyway, I'm off from this thread now. You guys can decide to do whatever you think's best.