unclehobart said:Not that I mind... I'm just wondering wether Gonzo is considered to be admin or if hes just playing with the open parameters of the holy alt.
unclehobart said:On whose authority? fury or GODzo?
Not that I mind... I'm just wondering wether Gonzo is considered to be admin or if hes just playing with the open parameters of the holy alt.
Leslie said:unclehobart said:On whose authority? fury or GODzo?
Not that I mind... I'm just wondering wether Gonzo is considered to be admin or if hes just playing with the open parameters of the holy alt.I see a half a quote, not a misquote
misquoted Unc said:I never saw why he shouldn't wear an admin title full time if he has admin powers...
just cause I can't spend HOURS here on a daily basis.
Also, one point about the threads being in KK. Isn't the whole point of that forum to punish people when the do something wrong? Does it REALLY make sense to put spam threads in there so they can DRASTICALLY increase their post counts while being "locked away"?