Yellowstone supervolcano larger than previously thought


would YOU take that risk on such a massive capital outlay without some kind of guarantee/support?

no, you would not. not when there are far more immediately profitable places to put your $.

use your stinking noodle for a change.

that's not an excuse, it's reality. it's called capital behavior. no one wants big sunk commitments when short-term profits can be made.

all you got is the government boogeyman to jump out and say "boo."

maybe you and winky could get a discount if you both sign up for a basic finance class together.
it's pretty obvious what my opinion is. nobody in their right mind in private industry would invest without serious government support.

You've read too much Uncle Karl.

We had a grand uprising of the people. It hurdled mankind forward by eons in a couple of generations. Then the government got involved. Whatever happened
to American industry anyway?
A guarantee of a government bailout
sounds like zero risk, stick the taxpayers
with the bill? Back the fuckin’ truck up
and haul away the cash Hell yeah.

Dood who cares if the enterprise succeeds
under those circumstances, that’s right no one.

Wait yer not talkin’ ‘bout trying to plug up
Yellowstone if it decides to erupt are you?
That is exactly the kind of doomed to fail
silly shit that I’d want government backing for!!!

yup yup no one in their right mind would back
such an inane scheme except the government!
everything depends on government intervention to succeed

What court do we go too to file a lawsuit
for the great society's failure to eradicate poverty?

Oh yes

You've read too much Uncle Karl.

We had a grand uprising of the people. It hurdled mankind forward by eons in a couple of generations. Then the government got involved. Whatever happened
to American industry anyway?

my statements have nothing to do with uncle karl. i'm not sure why you think they do.

seems like you're also thinking there's some sort of anti-business undercurrent in what i've said. there is not.

my statements have to do with actual experience observing and participating in corporate decisions involving BIG MONEY and understanding how the risk calculus usually plays out. again, it's not a good ROI picture, so why bother when there are plenty of other places to invest capital and more quickly turn profits? it's basic business rationality, reinforced by a finance culture that does not like to wait around for years for, maybe, a profit.

your mythical version of history is kinda neat. heroic men of industry vs. evil government oppression. and, by the way, those heroic fellows helped shaped how business decisions are made today, the latter being all i'm trying to put across to you valiant commie hunters.

maybe a bunch of you could get a group rate on head-from-ass extractions.
A guarantee of a government bailout
sounds like zero risk, stick the taxpayers
with the bill?

bailout? who said anything about a bailout? WTF are you talking about? oh, right, it's just a tea party buzzword. lapping at the teat.
Minky's Pinkie

Use any term you want
transferring taxpayer dollars to private corporations
for nothing in return, sounds like theft to me.
Free enterprise is no longer free

Business shouldn't ever have to go to the government for it's approval.

The marketplace should be the final arbiter whether a product or service
succeeds or fails, is that really so hard for a man of letters to grasp?
Funny how things get recycled. This from today 4-18-13 almost exactly two years after the article from the start of this thread.


SALT LAKE CITY – Yellowstone's underground volcanic plumbing is bigger and better connected than scientists thought, researchers reported Wednesday, April 17, at the Seismological Society of America's annual meeting.

"We are getting a much better understanding of the volcanic system of Yellowstone
," said Jamie Farrell, a seismology graduate student at the University of Utah. "The magma reservoir is at least 50 percent larger than previously imaged."
Knowing the volume of molten magma beneath Yellowstone is important for estimating the size of future eruptions, Farrell told OurAmazingPlanet.
Supervolcano trail
Geologists believe Yellowstone sits over a hotspot, a plume of superheated rock rising from Earth's mantle. As North America slowly drifted over the hotspot, the Yellowstone plume punched through the continent's crust, leaving a bread-crumb-like trail of calderas created by massive volcanic eruptions along Idaho's Snake River Plain, leading straight to Yellowstone. The last caldera eruption was 640,000 years ago. Smaller eruptions occurred in between and after the big blasts, most recently about 70,000 years ago. [Infographic: Geology of Yellowstone
The magma chamber seen in the new study fed these smaller eruptions and is the source of the park's amazing hydrothermal springs and geysers. It also creates the surface uplift seen in the park, said Bob Smith, a seismologist at the University of Utah and author of a related study presented at the meeting.
The volcanic plume of partly molten rock that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano. Yellow and red indicate higher conductivity, green and blue indicate lower conductivity. Made by University of Utah geophysicists and computer scientists, this is the first large-scale 'geoelectric' image of the Yellowstone hotspot.
"This crustal magma body is a little dimple that creates the uplift," Smith said. "It's like putting your finger under a rubber membrane and pushing it up and the sides expand."
Clearer picture
A clearer picture of Yellowstone's shallow magma chamber
emerged from earthquakes, whose waves change speed when they travel through molten or solid rock. Farrell analyzed nearby earthquakes to build a picture of the magma chamber.
The underground magma resembles a mutant banana, with a knobby, bulbous end poking up toward the northeast corner of Yellowstone National Park, and the rest of the tubular fruit angling shallowly southwest. It's a single connected chamber, about 37 miles long, 18 miles wide, and 3 to 7 miles deep.
Previously, researchers had thought the magma beneath Yellowstone was in separate blobs, not a continuous pocket.
The shallowest magma, in the northeast, also matches up with the park's most intense hydrothermal activity, Farrell said. The new study is the best view yet of this zone, which lies outside the youngest caldera rim.
Additional molten rock, not imaged in this study, also exists deeper beneath Yellowstone, scientists think.
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