Your name Statistics

AlphaTroll said:
He's Satan babe - he knows EVERYONE - sorta like Santa, with a twist ;)

I always had my suspicions about men called Tracey. :hmm: You keep on a close aye on them fallen one ;)
bleach said:
I always had my suspicions about men called Tracey. :hmm: You keep on a close aye on them fallen one ;)
uh huh, definately...and i've always had horrible experiences with men named kim.
I've known guys named Ashley, and both guys and girls named Jamie/Jaimie. Ugh. Confusion. My middle name is St. John.....does that count as name weirdness? heh.
ashleigh is the #1046 most common female name.
0.008% of females in the US are named ashleigh.
Around 10200 US females are named ashleigh!

r.... is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are r.....
Be proud of your unique last name!
thomas is the #10 most common male name.
1.38% of men in the US are named thomas.
Around 1690500 US men are named thomas!

johnson is the #2 most common last name.
0.81% of last names in the US are johnson.
Around 2025000 US last names are johnson!

checked the phone book, there's prolly about 80 or 90 thomas/tom johnsons in this area
I had the biggest crush my sophomore year of H.S. on a boy named Kelly.

I've also known girls named Erin and Michael
Luis is the #104 most common male name.
0.189% of men in the US are named Luis.
Around 231525 US men are named Luis!
Jeffrey is the #30 most common male name.
0.591% of men in the US are named Jeffrey.
Around 723975 US men are named Jeffrey!

Jeffrey is the #3643 most common female name.
0.001% of females in the US are named Jeffrey.
Around 1275 US females are named Jeffrey!

my last name is in the top 10 as well.
Daniel is the #12 most common male name.
0.974% of men in the US are named Daniel.
Around 1193150 US men are named Daniel!

Clements is the #922 most common last name.
0.013% of last names in the US are Clements.
Around 32500 US last names are Clements!
<div>***** is a very rare male name.<br>Very few men in the US are named *****.<br>Be proud of your unique name!<br>source <a href=""></a></div>
SexyBoo said:
c******* is a very rare female name.
Very few females in the US are named c******* .
Be proud of your unique name!

I'm special too :retard:

of course you are ;) not many women are as beautiful ;) and not everyone writes poetry like you
Robert is the #3 most common male name.
3.143% of men in the US are named Robert.
Around 3850175 US men are named Robert!

Robert is the #996 most common female name.
0.008% of females in the US are named Robert.
Around 10200 US females are named Robert!

Strader is the #4984 most common last name.
0.002% of last names in the US are strader.
Around 5000 US last names are strader!