Bloomberg on the proposed Muslim community center

Just say No to Barry's ground zero mosque

I'll take nukes and Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups
and a little backbone
over some dusty old book any day.

Yeah...I need to refresh my list on another site. Recently, it's been Malaysia for whatever reason. Used to be .ru

I'm still getting a bunch out of .ru
It seems there more coming from right out of Wichita Ks lately though.
Moosies are better than joo

That’s right Cat
Most if not all Christians are ignorant illiterate fools.
Many, if not most Christians aren't out there spouting Hate messages.

I hear christians spouting hate messages all the time. Just look at all the hate for the community center in NYC.

Yep, plants for sure.

No without any evidence your sure? I guess people can convince themselves of anything.
No without any evidence your sure? I guess people can convince themselves of anything.

I knew this was coming.
Told ya so.:p
Crystal Ball wins again!

I provide, and you conveniently dismiss, ans play like it never happened.
The chickens are coming home to roost!

catocom he is right, I can think of at least one
church leader who spews a message racism and hate!

I provide, and you conveniently dismiss, ans play like it never happened.

Let me explain this to you cat...

"some of them don't know the bible very well" is not evidence that "they are a plant". It's evidence that they don't know the bible very well...which describes a lot of christians.

WHat we're looking for is evidence that "they are a plant".
Christians are the Devil

Well then help a Brotha out!
We need to get cat out of his cult of hate!
Before it's to late!

Re: The chickens are coming home to roost!

His church is definitely christian....

"affiliated with the United Church of Christ, a predominantly white Christian denomination with roots in Congregationalism, which branched from American Puritanism."

oh well, if it's on the internet, it must be true.
Especially if it's wiki.

If I make a wiki page that says Phelps is a plant, would That satisfy you?
Re: The chickens are coming home to roost!

oh well, if it's on the internet, it must be true.
Especially if it's wiki.

Yeah, it's true alright. You can even find the info elsewhere.

If I make a wiki page that says Phelps is a plant, would That satisfy you?

Yeah, go edit Westboro's page with false info and let's see how long it stays that way.