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  1. Hoon

    I am better than your kids

    That's the funniest thing I've seen since PC builder opened his closet and discovered all of his pants were gone!! Courtesy of Beard of Pants!! :lol2:
  2. Hoon

    What kind of vehicle(s) do you own?

    1997 Jeep Wrangler. I'll never get rid of it.
  3. Hoon

    conspiracy theory

    For any member of any administration to know about this in advance..or try to coordinate this as a "hoax" is beyond probability. Think about it.. No administration in recent history has been able to identify or stop press leaks let alone coordinate something like 9/11 w/o being discovered...
  4. Hoon

    conspiracy theory

    See? This only proves my contention that conspiracy theorists are good with computers, not facts. Hmmm.. If that little white blur in the actual security cam photo is not a plane.. Why did this conspiracy site feel the need to doctor the photos to totally eliminate the white bluir?
  5. Hoon

    conspiracy theory

    This link provides raw footage from the security cam. On the far right..the white object to the right of the brown pillar (right edge of photo) is the plane in question. are the same pictures except these are off a conspiracy theory website claiming a plane never hit the...
  6. Hoon

    conspiracy theory

    Yes there is a 3 second lapse in the security cam video but at the beginning of the tape you can clearly see the outline of a large plane.
  7. Hoon

    Squiggy has company

    I bet Squiggs has phoned the cable company requesting that the only channel he wants to receive is AL CNNJAZEERA ..Because the rest of them damn stations is just ryin' to brainwash him.
  8. Hoon

    conspiracy theory

    Have you ever seen the parking lot security cam clearly showing a Boeing flying into the Pentagon? I'm guessing not.
  9. Hoon

    Politics - The Breakdown

    Another lesson in politics.. No one likes to be labeled what they are. It's like people w/ curley hair want straight hair and vise versa. I'm a raging conservative. There I said it and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
  10. Hoon

    How does this photo strike you?

    I love that picture. It's about time we got off our asses and started protecting ourselves instead of giving anti-american foreigners free reign of our country so they can blow shit up...then have a long line of lawyers fighting each other for the chance to defend them. No, that picture is...
  11. Hoon

    Former smokers

    I gave in and had one after almost two weeks. But it didn't taste as good as it did before and I felt about as ashamed as i could feel. Don't give in Gonz.. You'll feel even more depressed.
  12. Hoon

    I can't use my pm's.

    I'll do a belly dance too.
  13. Hoon

    Politics - The Breakdown

    All you need to know is that Gonz is exactly right. I'd vote him for President anyday of the week.. Preferably after Bush's next term so as to assure we don't get another bleeding heart, jelly spined Democrat in office.
  14. Hoon

    New Fears eve

    I would never raise my dukes... I'd strike the Karate Kid "Preying Mantas" pose. That ought to have them soiling their sheets.
  15. Hoon

    New Fears eve

    I live in New York and will be out for New Years Eve. I give Al Queda the middle finger now and invite them to town for a good old fashioned fist fight.
  16. Hoon

    I can't use my pm's.

    It's driving me insane. Let me use my pm's long enough to clear them out then ban me from using them again. I keep getting e-mails telling me my inbox is full.
  17. Hoon

    Work hard for your money.....

    I am underpaid but I'm not complaining about my rate. It's the most I've ever made and there are alot who live where I live who would kill take make what I do. Also,I love my job. I can't ask for much more than I already have.
  18. Hoon

    What are your New Year's resolutions?

    Learn how to dance. Quit picking my nose.
  19. Hoon

    Did you score

    Normally I would cock my 30 ot six right along with you... But that's my spline you're aiming at, BUDDY!
  20. Hoon

    Did you score

    hehehe... No, my deer has horns and a thicker neck. A "Master Buck"...if you will. struts out of thread