are you a happy person?


Not really Banned
do you consider yourself to be a happy person? i often consider how unhappy people seem to be in general, they buy enourmous SUVs so they can be extra intimidating while they're leaning out the window with a cell phone in one hand, giving me the finger with the other, and telling me what they think of my mother and why i shouldn't be allowed on the road for driving the speed limit. people need to take the time to slow down long enough to see the world around them and see what there is to see. But instead they rush around like headless chickens, life passes them by and they don't even notice. tonite i was at mcdonalds enjoying some fine cuisine. there was a woman sitting behind me with her two kids, the whole time they were sitting there, (which was only about 4 minutes), she sat and bitched to her KIDS about everything that went wrong with her day. first her french fries were too greasy, then she had to wait an hour and a half at the doctor's office before she had to leave for her other doctor appointment. then the lab technician jabbed her way too hard in the throat when she got a throat culture. Then she was whining about how they were late and wouldn't be able to get a close parking spot. I think if people could just relax and be happy they wouldn't need to be medicated for every little ache and pain.
so, do you think you're a happy person? :)


Well-Known Member
I spent the morning with V2.0. She was happy, cuddly, giggly. Then I had to leave for work, and she started crying and screaming. As I drove out of sight, she was standing in the snow in her stocking feet crying for me to come back.

Needless to say, I felt like shit all day.


Kissy Goddess
It's possible she's facing a fatal disease?

Anyways.. am I a happy person... hmm... I think in general I am, but I am going through shitty times that are... well.. shitty... but it won't last and it'll all be good. I still laugh and smile and have fun, but the pain and worry of the root troubles are still there, like a soft hummmmm...... ya know?

My kids never ever hear if I have a shitty day, I mean, what the hell can they do about it? It's not thier fault. It's pretty rare they see me grouchy, or yelling..


I'm a very happy person in general. I've got good parents, good friends, a good school, and enough money to cover basic needs. Now I just need a girlfriend...


New Member
I'm very happy, right now! (for the moment) *smile*

Someone said that 'happiness' is based on 'happenings', like when all seems to jus' go our way.

However, I think what yer touchin' on, tommy, is what I call "contentment".

I believe contentment is a personal choice. A decision not base on external circumstances, but rather an internal attitude we choose, that says, 'come what may, I'm gonna rise above it all'.

Sure we all have stuff in our lives, beyond our control, that jus' doesn't serve our sense of 'self-serving', but I believe, jus' beyond that realm is a place of peace that transends anything this life throws at us, (realization of havin' a fatal disease, death of a loved one, our mate leavin' us, etc.)..............a place of strength that does not depend on the limitations of what we see an' feel.

Reachin' that place of "inner peace" is jus' one moment beyond the embracin' of the doubt that says, "it cannot be".:)


New Member
tommyj27 said:
people need to take the time to slow down
I dunno, I'm a speed freak, but it's just because I want to experience as much of life as possible. Not taking time to smell the roses isn't always the case, I've already done that, while I was busy doing everything else in the mean time :p

So I guess all in all, I'm sickeningly happy person, but severly depressed cause there's just never enough time to do EVERYthing :headbng2:


Well-Known Member
compared to where i was 10 years ago, yes i am definately happy. a tad bored, but happy.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Just cause nobody has said it yet...

Fuck you.

There, now I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
sure i enjoy being alive and all. though my depression does hit from time to time i am generally happy. im having too much fun being alive.


Not really Banned
freako104 said:
im having too much fun being alive.
good point freako, that's generally my outlook. i think renegade has a really good point too, although i'd hesitate to call it contentment. to me, contentment implies stagnation, a mediocricy of sorts that i don't agree with, just because i'm happy doesn't mean everything's peachy all the time. sure things get crappy sometimes but that's when you've got to look in the mirror and say shit happens


Well-Known Member
i try to help out in those situations. and when it does happen i try to find ways to feel better which i do by having friends and fam and also just again having fun doing what i like :)


New Member
Professur said:
I spent the morning with V2.0. She was happy, cuddly, giggly. Then I had to leave for work, and she started crying and screaming. As I drove out of sight, she was standing in the snow in her stocking feet crying for me to come back.

Needless to say, I felt like shit all day.

That's pretty much every morning for me these days. The good side is that you have something to look forward to when you get home.


New Member
I rarely have bad days or spells and it usually takes a bunch of stuff piled up to make me feel bad.

Rushing around where I live is a way of life but that doesn't mean I'm not happy. Actually, the other day when I had a bad day at work, I had talked back to someone right before I went home and while I was driving, I noticed I was driving much slower than normal. I was calm, but still a little down. Thus, the faster I drive, the happier I am! :D

I have so many people and things in my life to make me happy but mostly, it comes from within. I'm a lot more secure about myself and my life than I used to be and don't have to work at being optimistic.

What drives me batty is when people complain about their lives but don't do anything to fix it; that's when I stop listening. I think there are people out there who feel more secure being unhappy. Everything doesn't come on a silver platter, you have to work for it sometimes and if you're not willing to, not much pity will come your way. I've had to deal with this with people close to me and when they did get off their asses and make it better, they were a whole lot better off. :D


Well-Known Member
greenfreak said:
I'm a lot more secure about myself and my life than I used to be and don't have to work at being optimistic.
That's the big difference. I always have to work at being optimistic. I don't complain much about it though. Depression like drug addiction you never get yourslef cured but instead you have to fight every minute of your life. And I know that despite things aren't much better today than they were, say 5 years ago I lerned that is life is much lighter to deal with when you're not wasting energy wishing you were dead :) . No I don't consider myself happy. I'm a joyful(?) person though, I keep doing jokes and laughing most of the time. I know what you meant about the "woman with the kids on Mac place". If things are bad, it's not reason to share your negative things with others around you :shrug: . I rarely complain about things on my day-by-day, and generally when I do, is by making fun of myself :D


New Member
I didn't mean that to be an insult, it's just the way I am.

Rusty is a pessimist by nature and I'm totally fine with that, it makes us work to see it halfway. But when he suffered from depression, we both suffered. I know what it can be like and don't think that people can just 'snap out of it'. Turns out, there was a physical reason for it that has since been corrected and we are both much happier.

(Keep in mind, the following has NOTHING to do with anyone on this board, I'm not talking about any of you specifically) :)

But I think there is a fine line between clinical depression and believing you are depressed because someone made you believe that you are or because you want the attention it brings or a drug prescription or something to blame your personality shortcomings on. America is the land of Paxil and Prozac and such drugs, and I wonder how many people don't really need a drug but instead need to talk to someone who cares or to learn how to deal with stress in a non-medicinal way. I have 7, count em 7! people at work on these drugs. They take minimally stressful situations and blow them out of proportion daily. Hell, hourly. You think they would get out of this line of business if it's so bad? Think they see a therapist? No. They just depend on the drugs and when they stop working for them, they get a higher dosage.

I don't know people well enough to pass judgement, I just think that there are too many doctors trying to solve their patient's problems by prescribing drugs that the drug companies are pushing on them. I don't think drugs alone will help anyone or will help them short term. The root causes for depression are being covered up by drugs.