are you a happy person?


New Member
Leslie said:
I'm unhappy, but as a rule try desperately to not let others see it. :(

Others as in everyone or just your kids? I can tell you with all the times we talked, I never knew till you said it so I'm assuming it's everyone. I don't want to pry but I'm curious what would be so bad about letting others know and even confiding in them? Tell me if I'm getting to personal, I tend to do that.

Oh and Jonas, if you want a little bit of happiness, check your email. :D

Squiggs my love, no worries. I did think you were serious at first but thanks for clearing that up.


Well-Known Member
greenfreak said:
Oh and Jonas, if you want a little bit of happiness, check your email.
Already checked honey, still reading! :kiss:
greenfreak said:
America is the land of Paxil and Prozac and such drugs, and I wonder how many people don't really need a drug but instead need to talk to someone who cares or to learn how to deal with stress in a non-medicinal way. I have 7, count em 7! people at work on these drugs. They take minimally stressful situations and blow them out of proportion daily. Hell, hourly. You think they would get out of this line of business if it's so bad? Think they see a therapist? No. They just depend on the drugs and when they stop working for them, they get a higher dosage.
Damn right. My mother is one of those people. I said before and I'll say it again. Relying on drugs to fight depression is taking pain killers to treat a severed arm. I went thru the therapy thing and I say it's still the best thing, as long as you find a therapyst that fits your way...

Luis G

Staff member
tommyj27, you just spoke my mind with that first post.

I do consider myself a happy person, even thou when things don't work "right" i get a little pissed off until i work it out.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Hell yes I'm fucking happy...tral-la-la & spinning, see I can even do the goddamned Q dance, what's it to ya?:finger:


Not really Banned
my pysch teacher recently made some very insightful comments about depression and using drugs to treat it. lest i butcher it i'll be brief. she would agree that way too many pills are prescribed to treat depression, but she doesn't write off their usefulness. Ideally, medication would be used in conjunction with therapy, or until therapy begins. that makes a lot of sense to me, when i have problems, i would much prefer to talk to someone, whether it be a shrinkologist or just someone who will listen and advise me.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
AlladinSane said:
greenfreak said:
America is the land of Paxil and Prozac and such drugs, and I wonder how many people don't really need a drug but instead need to talk to someone who cares or to learn how to deal with stress in a non-medicinal way. I have 7, count em 7! people at work on these drugs. They take minimally stressful situations and blow them out of proportion daily. Hell, hourly. You think they would get out of this line of business if it's so bad? Think they see a therapist? No. They just depend on the drugs and when they stop working for them, they get a higher dosage.
Damn right. My mother is one of those people. I said before and I'll say it again. Relying on drugs to fight depression is taking pain killers to treat a severed arm. I went thru the therapy thing and I say it's still the best thing, as long as you find a therapyst that fits your way...

Generally, in between bad patches, I would say that I'm happy. Okay we have an ongoing problem as far as my daughter's health is concerned, but a while back when the stress and anxiety were really getting me down I went to my Doctor and asked for some councelling which has helped me tremendously to come to terms with some situations in my life which I can't change and to stop dwelling on them and concentrate on those things which I can change ~ one at a time, not all at once. Sometimes I still get very wound up, but being able to talk to someone else about it really helps. There's plenty of people over here on mind zapping drugs too, but I decided long ago that it doesn't deal with the problem it just masks it, so you can keep your drugs as far as I'm concerned. I'll just deal with things as they arise and hope for the best ~ I couldn't have said that 4 years ago.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
tommyj27 said:
whether it be a shrinkologist or just someone who will listen and advise me.

A good councellor doesn't give you advice, they listen and help you to examine the problem by posing pertinant questions. Then to work out for yourself how to deal with it ~ much more effective than anything else I've ever done. It also teaches you how to deal with it in the future if you're faced with a similar situation. I can cope with stressful situations much better now than I used to. Cognitive Therapy I think it's called.


For some reason, I can't gather my thoughts enough to post a coherent reply to this thread. They wany to dart off on so many tangents I would just be speaking in circles....I think Leslie got as close as possible with her statement.

"I'm unhappy, but as a rule try desperately to not let others see it"

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
greenfreak said:
It's so nice to hear that people are being helped by therapy or the combo of drugs & therapy. Gives me faith. :)

This last month I've really quite surprised myself at how well I've actually coped with my sister's death. I'm not a quivering wreck on the floor like I thought I would be, although there have been some pretty bad times when instead of trying to be "brave" I've had a damn good cry ~ well more like a good scream actually, but I've felt better for it afterwards. I'm sad obviously, but I can think about all the good things we did together too, which I couldn't do when my Dad died. And I know there's light at the end of the tunnel now. I just miss her terribly, you just can't do the same things with a brother that you did with a sister. :(


:crying3: My oldest brother was my greatest hero. I thought him a reincarnation of Ghandi. (not literally) His death has left a large hole in me. I miss him daily. And its been almost 5 years...


New Member
tommyj27 said:
freako104 said:
im having too much fun being alive.
good point freako, that's generally my outlook. i think renegade has a really good point too, although i'd hesitate to call it contentment. to me, contentment implies stagnation, a mediocricy of sorts that i don't agree with, just because i'm happy doesn't mean everything's peachy all the time. sure things get crappy sometimes but that's when you've got to look in the mirror and say shit happens

Perhaps we agree more than ya first thought bro...........

Its those times in my life, when things get crappy, that I also say, "shit happens", but instead of lettin' it get me down, I jus' ride the wave an' make the best of it all!

That's what I mean by contentment. Though I also think I know why the word itself, seems to connotate an image of pitiful surrender to times of overwhelming circumstance, like in some passive-aggressive way.

Its in those hard, perhaps unexpectedly disappointin' times when I believe its best to accept that fact, that though there's nothin' I can do to make a "trial" disappear, I can choose an attitude that seeks to rise above it.

Once I've chosen to accept the life's uncertainties, the easier it is for me to kick back an' jus' enjoy its rich rewards, like love an' true friendships!

Lookin' for the opportunities that life's trials bring, for me to grow, as a person, has proven to be the best way for me. :)


Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Squiggy said:
:crying3: My oldest brother was my greatest hero. I thought him a reincarnation of Ghandi. (not literally) His death has left a large hole in me. I miss him daily. And its been almost 5 years...

She was my big sister and my best friend, always there when I needed her... I keep catching myself wanting to tell her something or wanting to go and see her, and then remembering I can't... no-one can fill that gap... :crying4:


Well-Known Member
generally, yes, I'm a happy person .. unless you piss me off .. or if you're a stoopid driver .. or when I'm sick .. like now .. right now, I'm not a very happy person ..