are you a happy person?


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I know exactly what you mean. The most scared I ever was was 12 years ago, he was in the 82nd Airborne, temporary residence, Kuwait. He jumped into Iraq about 15 miles south of Bahgdad. It was a month after the ground movement before I heard from him, then it was this letter. Ok, I reread the letter, you don't get it, just the pic he drew for me.


New Member
nalani said:
generally, yes, I'm a happy person .. unless you piss me off .. or if you're a stoopid driver .. or when I'm sick .. like now .. right now, I'm not a very happy person ..

I hope you feel better, it must be Ku'u's fault! Didn't she just get over being sick? Wow, you two really do do everything together huh?

Oh and I like your new sig, hope you're not mad that I changed mine!! I don't want to piss you off. ;)

:wave: @ nalani!


Well-Known Member
AlladinSane said:
That's the big difference. I always have to work at being optimistic. I don't complain much about it though. Depression like drug addiction you never get yourslef cured but instead you have to fight every minute of your life

i have it so i know what you mean but i dont let it eat away at me i try to find ways to be happy. it wont go away but its better than doing nothing.

Leslie said:
I'm unhappy, but as a rule try desperately to not let others see it.
:hug: les i try to hide it too but to be honest those that love and care about you should know how ya feel so that they can feel it with you(empathy but as long as they dont do what i tend to which is to have it go full throttle) they can be there for ya.

Aunty Em said:
A good councellor doesn't give you advice, they listen and help you to examine the problem by posing pertinant questions. Then to work out for yourself how to deal with it ~ much more effective than anything else I've ever done. It also teaches you how to deal with it in the future if you're faced with a similar situation. I can cope with stressful situations much better now than I used to. Cognitive Therapy I think it's called.

cognitive deals with the way you think. this type is actully in most therapies to be honest. my teachers for all the psych classes ive taken have all said that there are always more than one way to get to the answer and all have a flaw but all can also be strong and what works for one person doesnt work for another.

greenfreak said:
I know what it can be like and don't think that people can just 'snap out of it'
thats cause we dont. you cant really just snap out of it it really never goes away. sad though it maybe it something that can be treated but itll always be there to an extent

greenfreak said:
What drives me batty is when people complain about their lives but don't do anything to fix it; that's when I stop listening. I think there are people out there who feel more secure being unhappy. Everything doesn't come on a silver platter, you have to work for it sometimes and if you're not willing to, not much pity will come your way. I've had to deal with this with people close to me and when they did get off their asses and make it better, they were a whole lot better off.

they arent happy being lazy in most cases(only one girl i know called herself an emotional masochist the others dont want it) but when given an option on something they always see the negative or no this or no that. it annoys me. i dont talk to people like that for various reasons a lot of times they whine about stupid shit(unless im getting that which to me is just as stupid because those who actully have a reason to whine or feel what theyre feeling dont) but those that give up they have their reasons some are more valid than others and basically they dont want to get hurt again. thats what ive noticed


Well-Known Member

...this one. Take care of yourself Little Brother and I hope you know how proud I am of you. Hope to see you soon.



Staff member
greenfreak said:
Leslie wrote:
I'm unhappy, but as a rule try desperately to not let others see it.

Others as in everyone or just your kids? I can tell you with all the times we talked, I never knew till you said it so I'm assuming it's everyone. I don't want to pry but I'm curious what would be so bad about letting others know and even confiding in them? Tell me if I'm getting to personal, I tend to do that.

uh, others as in everyone, always...emotions were frowned upon as I grew up, so that's likely where it came from.
I confide in people mainly when they notice something's off with me, or when I feel like I'm gonna burst,
lately though there's just nothing to say, just sadness, so that's for me to get over, and just hope for a hug here and there :)


New Member
I've been told I give really good hugs. :) And women get the bonus of rubbing breastesses with me while doing it too. ;)

Oops! Wrong thread. Sorry, go about yer business. Nothing to see here. *hugs leslie*

I remember being that way, but mostly with the ambulance corps in dealing with the things I saw there. I kept it inside for the good of everyone besides me. I had a 'breakdown' if you will, technical term is Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, after a particularly harsh call. I rebuilt from there, talked to everyone else who was there about it (there were a total of 8 of us that when through debriefing) and about my problem of being 'a rock' and keeping everything inside. I decided to write about it too, as a form of therapy for me.

The account of what happened that night and the days following led me to think I might be able to publish it online. I went searching for a website that posted short stories and found one called The Little Read Writer's Hood. I picked 'General Fiction' and clicked on a story title to get an idea of what was being submitted.

That story that I read was written by Rusty. That's how we met. I was having a real tough time but meeting him turned everything around. I always tell the story of how we met, but not the events that led up to it. It was a horrible experience which turned out to be the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I just always have to look on the bright side of things, the bad experiences which led to the good ones. :)


New Member
greenfreak said:
I just always have to look on the bright side of things, the bad experiences which led to the good ones. :)

[insert some long boring ramble about new-age hippy cosmic karma rubbish]

i'm a happy person, diving right in with the shit happens brigade. bad things may happen, but generally it's all gravy.

apparently, "You're pretty optimistic, but you've got a good dash of realism. The world isn't a vale of tears, but it's not the Good Ship Lollipop, either"

on the drugs vs therapy issue, my ex-boss was always a bit moody in the mornings, but we found that generally feeding him cakes and coffee would lighten his morning moods. it got worse and worse but we didn't really think anything of it until one morning the suicide note ended up in my email inbox. now that was a shitty day.

luckily he failed to do the deed, turned out he was clinically a manic depressive. the thing that finally made him snap was when the landlord came round and changed the locks on his house because he hadn't opened the rent bills for months.

so, the police picked him up on a motorway somewhere and he had months off work. when he came back he was on some happy pills, and was a totally changed person. he's off the pills now, had councelling and it seems like he's dealing. he hadn't spoken to his family for ages while he was bad, but they all came together and helped out. he seems okay now, although i haven't worked for the company for a few years i still stay in touch with the guys there.

so, in conclusion, for this guy the pills were a good sort term solution, but the therapy got him sorted for the long term.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
You're pretty pessimistic, but you've got a few sparks of hope left somewhere. The world isn't all bad, right?

Could it have been the "Life's a bitch, then you die" answer I wonder? :lol:

Pessimist is on the left and optimist on the right of the scale.