Feeling strange...

Lopan said:
thats the one its really pretty, mind you the whold lake district is like a huge kaleidoscope.

yes all the way to the top of the tower, scared the shit out of me. I had mine here :D


which is greenwich university, tres impressive as its the old royal naval college


and we had drinks in this hall, i cant find a pic of the chapel but that was pretty impresive to
OMGOSH-This is Absolutelyfreakingorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No it used to be the royal naval college, its now greenwich university. We never had lectures there though as most of it is a museum. We were at Lewisham college for most of our practicals which is like a bloody warzone.

this is the place I should be going to but not until september
ClaireBear said:
Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!!

I'm sick of being young!!!!!! I'm sick of having no one and nothing... leading a pointless life, with a pointless job (yes the world will definitely cope if I never turned up to work ever again!)

I'm 24... living with my parents in my family home, with a minimum wage job for which I'm over qualified for... and all I want is to actually have someone to ask someone to move their lager so I can polish underneath it and remind him and his mates to remove their shoes when they come staggering in from the pub so as not to mark the carpet, as you say someone to go round Ikea with a buy cheap pointless house wares...QUOTE]

Take is EASYYYYY....All good things come to those whom wait...Your YOUNG-ENJOY LIFE...don't rush or sweat the things you think won't happen.....You seem like you want to much to fast, take time to smell the roses and enjoy your surroundings....TRUST ME!!! there's always time for a family and that special person!
Its called History Mare... we got a lot of it in Blighty! ;)

I would show you some pics of Kings College... Palace Green... my alma mater Hild Bede but I'm pooh at searching and even worse at uploading thumbnails!!!! :blush:
Mare said:
OMGOSH-This is Absolutelyfreakingorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is very pretty, its quite an oddity aswell seeing as it is in south east london and only a mile from here


Lewisham, truly a boil on the arse of humanity
ClaireBear said:
Its called History Mare... we got a lot of it in Blighty! ;)

I would show you some pics of Kings College... Palace Green... my alma mater Hild Bede but I'm pooh at searching and even worse at uploading thumbnails!!!! :blush:

In my HS years, I went to "All Girls HS" , we got to go to England in the 10th grade, so my Dad sent me. OMGOSH, I LOVED IT!!!!!! I just wish I knew now what I knew then..I took pics, remember the memories! BUT, what I would give now to go and see it all again, and enjoy the sights, smells (not fond of), and just to see it all over again...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! :D We went to this one church for Easter Sunday, It was THE most beautiful thing I HAVE EVER seen in my whole life........3 hrs of kneeling was not my idea of fun...But, I just wish, everyone in a lifetime to see what I saw and do what I did there, It was AWESOME...We went to a feast of somekind, they were dressed liked kings and there was ALE and they were not aloud to ask us for ID, the McDonald's sold BEER???? The shoes were CHEAP, they WOOL was CHEAP!!!! Just how I wish sometimes I was older when I went. We went to see this play, and this black man asked me if I wanted something, I thought it was so weird to hear a black man speak that way, first time in my life I've ever heard that. The ppl with freaked out hair and clothes would not allow you to take their pics, the oversea's phone calls....I plugged my hair dryer in and forgot to put the adapter in-BIG MISTAKE!!!!!! POOF OF SMOKE!!!!!! LMAO
Lopan said:
I miss waking up next to someone who gives a shit about how your feeling in the morning and then makes you a cup of tea.

Tea?!? How British! :D The civilized world now indulges in coffee...:p
Gato_Solo said:
Tea?!? How British! :D The civilized world now indulges in coffee...:p

Tea is great!

Not just for shock and upset you know!!!!

Its an all day drink... I still have my coffee on a morning but have tea before going to bed... Its much better in the summer too... not as "heavy" as coffee.
Gato_Solo said:
Tea?!? How British! :D The civilized world now indulges in coffee...:p

Civillized? You people don't know the meaning of the word. Tea is also very good for you and doesn't make your breath smell unlike coffee. It has less caffeine in it and tastes better when dunking biscuits(cookies to uncivillised septics)
ClaireBear said:
Its the milk in both tea and coffee that does that... drink it black and you're fine... black tea rocks!!!

with honey added aswell, then your talking. Its got to be PG tips aswell none of this earl grey crap(thats tourist tea)
Gato_Solo said:
Sure we do. It's right here...:p

BTW, you uncultured slob ;), these are biscuits...:D

Excuse me whilst I pick myself up off the floor, Have I just been called uncultured by a septic tank. Your problems with my language is not my fault.

I believe they are actually called scones

These are biscuits

Lesson over redneck you can go back to eating burgers and shooting stuff :D
Lopan said:
Excuse me whilst I pick myself up off the floor, Have I just been called uncultured by a septic tank. Your problems with my language is not my fault.

I believe they are actually called scones

Biscuits do not have sugar, you shaved ape. :D

Lopan said:
These are biscuits

Lesson over redneck you can go back to eating burgers and shooting stuff :D

Once again...biscuits do not have sugar.

BTW...I'm not a redneck in the true definition of the word, as I do not fit the description. Redneck...I'm a black man. :p

Do try to keep up. You're going to be an officer...
I don't have time to differentiate between Americans, cultural stereotypes must be reinforced. Without them where is the base humour that drives the media. Afterall without these stereotypes hollywood would be lost and the worlds media may have to recognise that all Americans aren't religous zealots hell bent on destroying the world. Whilst banning us from having sex and being gay.

Bless 'em
Lopan said:
I don't have time to differentiate between Americans, cultural stereotypes must be reinforced. Without them where is the base humour that drives the media. Afterall without these stereotypes hollywood would be lost and the worlds media may have to recognise that all Americans aren't religous zealots hell bent on destroying the world. Whilst banning us from having sex and being gay.

Bless 'em

Ahh, take off your bowler hat, and cram it in your umbrella. :grinyes: