Go Let It Out! (Venting Thread)

Aunty Em said:
Everybody is bugging me just lately... can you do this, can you do that, I need... I need... I need... winge, winge, winge!

Well I NEED some space from moaning assholes.

Right... I'll calm down now...
I know that feeling too :(
Leslie said:
I know that feeling too :(
Trouble is, they only ever seem to think of themselves and I never seem to get any help in return. I don't have time to do all the things I need to do. I'm too bloody nice is my trouble, maybe it's time I started being a selfish bitch too...
Aunty Em said:
Trouble is, they only ever seem to think of themselves and I never seem to get any help in return. I don't have time to do all the things I need to do. I'm too bloody nice is my trouble, maybe it's time I started being a selfish bitch too...
that's what I'm thinking...why do I kill myself for everyone else?
If you all smoked a doobie now and then this thread would be defunct and non existent.

Get high, and you forget to ask "why?"
Buttcrackdivine said:
If you all smoked a doobie now and then this thread would be defunct and non existent.

Get high, and you forget to ask "why?"
um...guess again...
Buttcrackdivine said:
I am talking about use at unheard levels...you can't complain when your brian cells are tooweak to get angry.
OH! so you want us to get baked!!
hmm...i haven't been baked in a long time.
Buttcrackdivine said:
If you all smoked a doobie now and then this thread would be defunct and non existent.

Get high, and you forget to ask "why?"
The problem with that is that I'm asthmatic and smoking or other peoples secondhand smoke brings on an attack... :shrug:

I should've put the oil burner on with some ylang ylang 'cept I'm out of tealights... *adds to shopping list for the morning*...

... *scratches pubs and club off list of places to go*...
tonks said:
nono, thats not what i mean at all... i just mean that i don't even wanna start because it's a stupid gripe and it's embarrasing to boot...but i think i can understand what YOU mean. you can't get mad at people for caring about you though. k?

:hug: Gotcha - not mad at anyone - and thnx for understanding.
Ummmmm-I'm a Major asshole and sorry to all for the other night-(mostly a certain person)---- (they know whom they are) I care dearly about and so do my children-words cannot express my apoligizes and im sorry.
Mare said:
Ummmmm-I'm a Major asshole and sorry to all for the other night-(mostly a certain person)---- (they know whom they are) I care dearly about and so do my children-words cannot express my apoligizes and im sorry.

we still lubb joo too :hug:
I really suck at this... Here goes.
I'm sick of getting several tonnes of homework each day allowing me no private time. I'm sick of popups, ads, banners and spam. I'm sick of microsoft. I'm sick of the US's foreign policy. I'm sick of my mom not letting me drink/do the mary jane. I'm sick of hypocrisy(sp). I'm sick of my dad not giving me the slightest attention, not even a card for my birthday. I'm sick of jackasses at school. I'm sick of AOLers. I'm sick of idiots sending me spammessages on MSN Messenger when i'm busy playing/image editing. I'm sick of not having a normal social life. I'm sick of having psycholocial disorders. I'm sick of having a constant heartache. I'm sick of being tired all the time. I'm sick of studying things i'll never use. I'm sick of never being able to sleep at night. I'm sick of being unable to dream. I'm sick of the words "what if". I'm sick of the world.
I'm sick of being sick of everything.
I'm sick of life.

Edit: Note that i'm not suicidal before you start telling me to hang in there and stuff.
Boredom :eh:

Yes, I know only boring people get bored........my brain musta gone on strike or summit