Haircut :(

I know at least one other person who sports the beard only look. I guess it does stand out in a crowd, but it always makes me think of Amish people. :)
Me too.
If he starts riding one of those jumbo three wheeled bikes and wearing a pilgrim kinda hat, we're gonna know he's lying :D
dont forget the white shirt and black pants with suspenders.

*mumbles under breath ...'tis a fine crop this year, eh Ezekiel?'
nah... I figure that the porn shoot that I held here two months ago would have been a nice irreligious buffer against that ever happening ... not to mention that I have a computer. I don't recall the Amish being too up on computers. I figure that if I were Amish that I would have more kids than puter at this point.
hmmm, looks like they're more up on computers than unc would have us to believe. I bet some of them even have carpeting.:p