I'm putting this here as a health article *weak stomachs avoid*


New Member
I will put up a pic in a few as soon as I edit it.

I was fresh out of the shower and feeling full of pepper.. so I ran down into the basement to do some quick bench presses. I was talking to my roomie over my shoulder; reached down and picked up some warmup weights. I was 5 pumps into it when I noticed that I had a 50 pounder in my right hand and a 60 in my left. I thought that odd and decided to shrug them off before it threw me off stride. I did a fast control drop ... and found where I had placed the 50 pounder for my left hand. OUCH! I managed to do a half gravity speed drop and catch my middle and index finger twixt the two. Luckily I was wearing thick gloves that took the brunt of the blow ... but placed a nasty bite on my middle finger nonetheless.

The finger is mobile.. so its not broken... but the pain and swelling is starting to settle in and my typing is starting to decay. Forgive my future typing efforts for the next week or so as I fear my left hand is going to be AWOL.


New Member
You can even see the divot on my index finger that almost but didnt quite break through. I know were chock full of paramedics and nurses here ... any advice outside of Betadine with a side of RICE?


New Member
Right at the moment of impact I felt a massive adrenal surge because my brain knew that my wounded hand was being pressed between a 110 pound steel sandwich. I just about tossed the weight across the room as a reflex. I hate that feeling of adreanl surge followed by shock. It makes the blood pressure go through the roof and then through the floor. My heart went skip-bo for like 45 seconds while it was trying to work it out. I was greying out and starting to do that cold sweat reflex. My roomies were freaking out and didnt know what to do. I ran through my options in about 3 seconds and decided to get my blood pressure* up posthaste. I laid on the floor and propped my legs straight up against a couch and started to cough. That set me to rights in about 15 seconds .. but washed the natural pain killer out.. ouch! ouch!

*at this point the wound broke open full force and started to bleed out something fierce. Forgive me.. but I have to cut this short to deal with it.


New Member
Thats just the flap of skin falling back across the wound. The angle it hit at made it more of a lengthwise slice ... sort of like a golf club whacking into the turf.


New Member
Ardsgaine said:
Oh, my... If your left hand is out of action, how will you be able to type at all? ?(
Im good for now... bu I figure that it will suck righteously in a few hours. My index finger is still working.. so Im back to the glory days of being 3 finger typist.


New Member
I'm sure it is as it was right on the bend of the knuckle.. and that little bit of skin isnt all too deep to start with.

Its kinda under control. I was just going to band aid it .. but now I think im going to need a gauze pad.


New Member
1 hour and 15 minutes into it and its now starting to really throb like a mofo. Time to kick back and find a distraction that doesnt involve me moving the left finger group.


New Member
Im not going to mess with an anti inflammatory med as they also dilute the blood. I'm not going to do that until the wound knits up a bit.


New Member
My shots are probably getting at the end of their life... but there still in effect. I'm just going to have to eyeball it for infection really close for a few.


Staff member

Is it still bleeding?

a knuckle could be hard to heal, you might want to go get a stitch if it's still not stopped.


New Member
It is bleeding... but very viscous and slow. I think I must be a bit dehydrated. Its slowing down. I put a loose band aid on it to allow for swelling and just to give it something to knit against while I sleep. I may not need stitches. I'm a dramatic healer. I've yet to have a stitch so far .. and I've had naster cuts than this. This is just my first big boo boo in like 3 years. How annoying.


New Member
Its knitted up nicely now. I'm moving to the anti inflamatory stage. It still is throbbing like a mofo becuse the whole joint was just pinch crushed in place. How long do bone bruises take to heal?


New Member
I just kneaded a loaf of bread using nothing but the right hand... talk about a one legged ass kicking contest... sheesh.


You're a gluton for punishment , unc. I know those bone bruises can be torture...Ice helps, but it doesn't work wonders....Hope it heals quickly.


New Member
I just wish it wasnt on the knuckle itself. I can weather bone bruises on an inflexible area with aplomb... but this is just annoying. At least its the off hand so I can still write and type fairly well.

I feel bad about whining over a fairly mild wound considering that youve been gutted stem to stern and have the better part of a sattelite dish parts box in your back.