Israel vs ...

Personally, I think that the US should bust out the popcorn and a six pack and watch the motherfuckers kill each other. *popcornb*
spike said:
one of the most law breaking states in existence.

They have yet to have an offensive war. The only laws being broken are the ones that the paper tiger thinks is overkill (you know, the same UN that spent 12 years telling saddam to [whining voice]stop it[/whining voice]
spike said:
Unless you turn a blind eye to facts you work for Hezbollah? I'm not taking sides, just advocate cutting off funding to one of the most law breaking states in existence. There's better uses for the US taxpayers money. Mainly things that benefit the US taxpayers.

Attempting to insult me just shows a lack of information to support your position.

According to him, yes
Winky said:
so the eye-rainians want nukes
the jews have nukes

a nice recipe for destruction
Given the prevailing weather patterns I expect the majority of the fallout would have dissipated by the time it got here. We'd be fine other than the occasional two headed baby...

Ok, an overwheming attack into lebenon will do nothing good for Israel, I think they need more accurate rocket strikes and take out the leadership of hezbollah, and it's supporters, which so far seems be the aim of the operation. Having known and worked with many Israelis I know that they WANT to strike back, and HARD, but so far they are controlling it.

Now if they where really aiming for a war, and geneocide, they would send rockets into syria, and get the real fun going.
paul_valaru said:
Now if they where really aiming for a war, and geneocide, they would send rockets into syria, and get the real fun going.

Careful! They might blow up all of Saddam's WMDs if they bomb Syria.
the only good Arab is a dead Arab

better dead than Red

or wearin' a turban

er sumthin' like that

pass 'nother one of dem two-headed babee's over here *chomp*
Winky said:
the only good Arab is a dead Arab

better dead than Red

or wearin' a turban

er sumthin' like that

pass 'nother one of dem two-headed babee's over here *chomp*

Two of the guys I work with are Arab. Very good people and their not dead.

There goes that theory.
are they Arab?

Am I Russian?

or French?

do they plant bombs in the werld trade center
or pilot planes into the twin towers
(or jump for joy as these events unfold?)

if so yeah, the werld be a better place widout dem

kill em all and let Gawd sort em out

(and assign them the 72 (77???) virgins

Damn cameljockey's
Arab, don't plant bombs or jump for joy. Just like most other arabs.

Don't jockey camels either.
spike said:
Two of the guys I work with are Arab. Very good people and their not dead.

There goes that theory.

Not really. He will still affiliate all Muslims and Arabs with terrorism. Somehow
yeah its the religion of peace

(step away from the crack pipe)

take a quick look around the world today
at the 14 major conflicts that are raging and…

you will find they are all moosies vs. the rest of us

not to worry

we WILL prevail in the end

but I will be long dead by that time.

Mark my words, everything will change after the Dems allow
a nuke to be detonated in a major American city

yep yep after that things will be different for the moosie werld indeed!