It's official....


Well-Known Member
That's an hour and 10 minutes from now... will you be providing a youtube link for that film?


just go to it'll all be there.

I just did out of mild curiosity, and no such site exists, so I can say with absolute 100% certainty 2minkey, you sir are 100% correct about the answer being there since it is in all truth highly subjective, and largely irrelevant anyway.

I, in all seriousness and truth, am not "desparate" for attention, but there is no denying I am a natural born "rock star" (or have what I jokingly refer to as a "celebrity" complex), and I do enjoy it to the fullest.

So 2minkey, you know the drill 'round here as well as anyone....



Well-Known Member
I just knew I was going to look in here and it was going to say...
"English was made the Official language".

shoulda known better

Oh well maybe 2008.

Happy new year.


But now having the complete overhaul, that RM, seems to think would push me to the right? Maybe, "slightly", but I do have this odd urge to get a sniper rifle and start "changing" some, select, "conservatives'", "minds" forever!

But then it really isn't up to me, but well, hey since some people can't change their "mind", on their own I suppose it does make sense, that it could well need to be "changed" for them.

I'm feelin', that *lovin* feelin....

Could it be a....


....that I feel coming on?



And with that, I need a nice....


And a little nappy-poo! "Killin' cons" is easy work, being as they aren't the brightest bunch of bulbs in the pack, well usually anyway, but it's just that they breed too fast, and there are way too many of ya all! So there is yet time to figure it all out, and run for the hills before it's too late I suspect!


For all of "you", who *may*, indeed, "KNOW", what has just "happened", to, "ME"....


And ultimately, I'm sorry, y'all have had, to have, "seen that", happen, but thank GOD, whatever the fuck, THAT IS, anyway, that it "seems to be, mostly over with for now anyhow"!?!


And for, the rest of y'all, who've watched me, literally, have a spiritual, "nervous breakdown", All I can say is this, in the way of advice....

Forget, for now, that there even, "is", any "light at the end of the tunnel", just believe, that there is indeed light, but make no distinctions on what that light might look like, when fully revealed. Learn to act, "as if"....

Keep fighting that "good fight", within yourselves, acting as if, you may someday, seem to, go insane like I did, for a time, and very soon feel sane again, knowing forever that you aren't by the definition, of that word in this world, but that it is true, all the same, but know, you just "know it" when this "happens" for you.....

Otherwise, until then, I will bless you with, my parting shot on this matter....

FUCK OFF AND DIE?!? Until we "MEAT"< and ultimately, meet up, again....

Until then, happy trails, peace out, and best wishes....

Til then, 'nuff said!

- The RE-MarkAble, Ultra-DTim.


Light at the end of the tunnel my ass...RUN!!!!!


Yes, perhaps, but then in "reality, It is indeed, your ass, that now needs to....?

The "clock" just started ticking on YOU, use your remaining time wisely, but don't be scared, or try too hard, because I have this "feeling", you will be right on schedule....

But just by BARELY, so....?


And by the way Gonz, don't be concerned about where you get to when you are finally there, or what direction you run in, just bear in mind that you have but one tool to take when you start your running!

And with that I am sure you will be fine, but don't let your pride get in the way of thanking me when it all "clicks" into place and "the wall" comes tumbling down....


And Cerise, I feel you might perhaps think about looking into the link,s I have laid out for Gonz, because that "terrorist mentality" of yours, can only go two ways, and you'd best be damn sure what team you are on before you commit to calling anyone a "traitor" ever again.....And with that I think I might hear another clock ticking but this time I am sure that is not for "me" to say....


molṑn labé
Staff member
The "clock" just started ticking on YOU, use your remaining time wisely, but don't be scared, or try too hard, because I have this "feeling", you will be right on schedule....

But just by BARELY, so....?

Thank you Carnac the Magnificent