It's official....


Shouldn't that be Carmex the Unchappable?


It's odd that "YOU", should say that being, SouthernN'Proud, and all that is the antithesis, of all that is good, right, and "true".

....Cuz just the other night I had a case of the chapped lips and it was cold and late at about 3AM on oh the 31st, I think it was, and I was about to head out and get me some of that stuff when I realized I had some "Vicks", Vapo Rub, and took a risk and used that so I could just sleep it off since the lips were quite chapped, and the very next day someone drove me to the store for my carmex and I realized well fuck it nobody here would understand anyway.....


Well now that I have been KK'd I see that my work is done here. Gonz, finally "perceived", quite wrongly I might add, a threat" from me, when it was nothing of the sort at all. But his refusal to even look at that possibility, tells me that he is in fact "beyond, any chance of understanding", what I was really saying to him. I have said MUCH worse things to you Gonz, and I have taken your continued "veiled threats" and constant bending of your own AUP for years, and said nothing. Now is the time to speak up, ONE LAST TIME, and when I say I say this for your own good Gonz, please believe I mean it with all possible sincerity.

Take a GOOD look at who you are in a suitable mirror. (ie, exactly what I was trying to be for you when you told me I was about to get run over by a freight train). Obviously since my political views are more open minded than yours, but, DO NOT mistake that for us being more different than alike, as that is NOT the case.

One last thing.....when my, admittedly sardonic and sarcastic humor angers you so badly you KK me when you KNOW damn well it is just "teasing", in my own jackass sarcastic way, that you've known so well for so many years, you MUST, be getting a bit uncomfortable and I must have hit too close to home for your comfort.

So, maybe someday I will come back and see if I am out of the KK, but until then, since it is only Gonz personal bias that put me here (3 angry PMS in rapid succession all saying the SAME thing) I will gracefully bow out from this board entirely, as I was about to go on hiatus a while anyway. So you might as well just ban me or un-KK me, because either way you wont see me in a while anyway.

So seriously I was teasing and joking and I was snyde and sarcastic, and I will own that any day, but you, and cerise, and SnP, and any conservative on the board does far worse on a daily basisi, it's just that you took it personal this time, which tells me you really do need to look at this and I DO mean that to help. If you cannot see that from my posts in your upgrade thread, I guess I am just not interested in being on this board with people like you anyway. So, until you make a decision and "grow up", well I'll just be waiting to see my status when and if I even deice to come back at all.

To the rest of you it's been "real", and "fun", and "real fun", and not always any of the three but best wishes to you all at helping Gonz with his struggle....Til we meet again....All my best!



New Member
So... just 'cause your humour is 'sardonic', you should somehow be outside the rules that govern this site? Just checking... :bash:


Well-Known Member
I always love it how people always think it's Gonz having a PMS moment when they get KK'd even though it pretty much takes a popular vote for it to happen (notice Spike seems to have avoided the KK).


Well in any case I am watching this beautiful place, I was just saying that I have a LOT less desire to be here, so I was just telling Gonz,that I am ok with waiting for him to get over it and I'll, "be around" but I also have known a lot longer than he realizes that it'll never be the same for me again. I mean I have my same convictions I came in with, but they just somehow seem to matter just a bit less now....

[URL=""]I just can't see why any of you are expecting me to "change"? I am what I amsk, as my good ol' buddy popeye would say! The trouble being that in the bigger picture, its all FOOL proof anyhow....

"And with that, I am riding off into the sunset on my machine.... to run down my dream....

....soon, to be another's, machine, as my only gift I have to give, to him, who will give it to "cinderella", and who will finally put it all together, and finally come home full circle to....?

Somewhere she belongs? And make, my journey complete, and I will know the "conspiracy of happiness" is truly over!

And, then, and ONLY then....We can just drive it home with "one headlight...!"

And then we can all step out of that "fear" that the, master plan, could ever fail because it is just indeed such a VAST right, to left, to right, to center and back again to all of that, all at one again, conspiracy, that it is truly doomed to be absolutely unable to fail even when one domino malfunctions.....

So if that's a reason, to ban me, crucify all my work here, that's all on YOU, I could care less, I'd like to enjoy the rest of the ride now that the "voices" are quiet and my head is clear, my critical part of the vast conspiracy is "done" and I was "tricked" into doing my tiny part, of the larger picture in a way that I could not fail and, yet KNOW that I was always safe, because the thing I set in motion is so much bigger than even I suspected, and now I know why it truly meant that....

IT was a MASTER plan, and that nothing is absolute, except that nothing is absolute....perhaps....?

I always knew I had talents, and in some small way, was "destined for "greatness", but, having, no want of fam,e or fortune, but perhaps just a touch of, notoriety, now I know why and I can sink back into obscurity where I belong, because all I had to do was tip, like a few other dominoes and I can say I feel much is now reversed, but that even if I am wrong or even if it is, it is impossible to have stopped it anyway![/URL]

So if you all can read all this, and see it's meaning and still be annoyed at me just being what I am and always was, and still am, just that I now remember it, well then I can find another place to play, but rest assured, in my life, my future is all "just gravy!" I look forward to it because; "the sun is in my eyes!"

And rest assured all I want is to go forth in peace and forget that I was but one small domino in the middle of a chain far more vast than is even possible to comprehend and being where I am, I know it never really mattered anyway....

So I am just some opinionated jackass, who was one key domino who had many other unknown backups should I have failed, which was impossible anyway.....!

And I will speak no more of my feelings beneath!

So, with that, In one more final post additional to this one, I'd like to leave you with a bunch of random pictures of those in MY life, that, personally, brought me "full circle", to where I am now, knowing I was important and significant to the whole thing in my own small way, but just one in a subtly slightly different way, perhaps, than is what is the usual thing, but no more or less than anyone who is caught up in this thing, that is DOOMED to fail in that it is so foolproof, it CANNOT fail, so....

After the last dance...

We all can use what, "IT"....


....gave us to use properly in the first place.....

So with that, let me say, that until I am, un-KK'd, welcome to, just another "SUBLIME, fine day in paradox!" And I have nothing else to say on the matter, now or ever!

Oh and the "elevator, to enlightenment", is broke, to take the "ELEVEN", steps and just stand on the top and don't go back down if possible! I only know that I PERSONALLY found it here!,and my personal path "through the fire and out the other side in the 12 steps of AA and NA."

So why you all have a problem with me telling my story in my "own way" as it unfolded, when I knew full well all along as it was happening that many around me were, already there, there or close, and I just didn't care! It wasn't arrogance, it was self disclosure on a deeply personal level, that allowed me to play my small but central part, that was no more important than anyone elses, except that I was given the gift of such humility, as to be unable to fail no matter how I started my "dominos" falling.....

And also this...

FUCK 'em, if they can't take a joke!

There are many things better than being, "stuck in the middle", and I can only say that having come though it and out....

It was all done in the name of love!

And just cuz a LOT of the story was revealed to "me", personally, at once that made me "nuts", and put me on overload...SOMEBODY had to do it? Right?

Because we ALL...TRULY, even if we do not KNOW it!

We "care" a LOT!

And if you can't take the "joke", well better luck next time! :)


...and watch out for the, "crack"....But don't worry evenif it DOES break your mother's back!

So with that....I will not speak of it again, because my part of "telling my story" with "my art" is done!


I could never have even lived though it if not for the persons and animals pictured literally, or symbolized by the ones pictured, who should remain anonymous, and as for what happens to me for my insane rantings in this insane place? Well I was just moved to do my part and so I did, with no worries and no regrets, come what may!















Re: It's official....And just ONE more thing....

Lord G.O.D. Hear my prayer and make my faithful friend, Bridgette accept my, "tasty gift", and eat of the "bread of heaven" and accept my gift, so help me, my precious dog, by the power of "Mugsy", and all of his kind, relax her and allow her to eat, drift, sleep and painlessly slip into her next life of her destined existence. I give her this gift with all of my love, that I learned from her, herself. Help it be quick, and merciful, above all else!

Commend her essence into your divine hands! Allow her to rejoice in my gift! And write all the necessary names to the book of life, and above all, Thy Will Be Done! May she go to her destination, free of fear and walking in the light of my unconditional love! And...ALWAYS remember, but.....shhhh! Amen!



Well-Known Member
Mark, I gotta tell ya.....

....and you REALLY need to know this.....

You don't know Jack

You need to know Jack right now, Spend some time with him. :crying6: :banana: :rofl3: :rofl2: :brow2: :mad4::headbng2:

REally, try it, misuc vids


And in doing what I have done, rest assured, I "KNEW" what was coming, how important it was, and that I would NOT fail her, but I also knew I had to do this PUBLICLY, with NO reward, nor acclaim, nor even pride in knowing what must be done, because whether you believe it or not, I have ALWAYS felt "less than", while I was young and when I was on drugs, and just now got to feel MORE than and did not know why, but always KNEW, even if not for why, that it was crucial that I do what I did for whatever reason I know not nor care about. We are all on equal footing and we all have our different roles to play. I had to past this test publicly....that others may learn from it, and I have known the path I am on for some time even if I had to publicly articulate it as I went cuz I was taking it in as it happened. But I ALWAYS knew when the appointed time came I was up to my appointed task.....Goodbye, good luck, live long and prosper, and please....DO, just ban me, I have other worlds than these to consider....

Even if you do not ban me, I plan no "visible" return, now or ever, so all my best wishes and may you be blessed with all that I want for myself....

I did, in the end get all that I wished for me here, which was just what I needed.....I hope this will help future sufferers of our dilemma know how to proceed....

Peace out!


New Member
Hey Mark, how about you just calm down and hang out. Just do it, I'm not fucking kidding.

That spirit is needed here don't blow it. Fuck this drama, you didn't do anything special except a step up on your program and make some people think.

Good work. Seriously. What's next?


No for me, the lesson is I need to now fade to

I may come back in due time as a "rebirth", as I have no had it, in all it's FULL, glory., at long last but....

...but now is time for quiet introspection, and humility.....I will leave this identity in tact, and when it is time to be back I will know whether it is to remain humble, and come back as "markjs", or as a new "markjs" that needed the rebirth to teach a lesson in his OWN way, and then I will be "known to you who should know", and unknown to those who yet need to know......That if anything is the lesson we ALL need of this, each in our OWN way....

And that, is "my thanks", for the "gift received", in all it's quiet glory!

And my final word for this place, till, I find need of it again, whenever that shall be, no matter when or how is for "2minkey", and answer to his last request of me!

:finger: NO! Because, "I'll do any damn thing I, please....."So FUCK YOU, very much, and thanks for NOTHING! :finger:

And may you find peace at the end of YOUR journey as I have in your own way....

Peace out, until we shall meet again....For I know now in time we indeed WILL, in GODS own time....


Well-Known Member
I always love it when someone says he or she is leaving the site, and posts here every day or two to remind us.