
Leslie said:
if you're doin that you may as well go to Quebec and get the real thing :p
And rub elbows with the pseudo-French ? eiw. I would die trying to navigate about trying to read the bilingual road signs.
unclehobart said:
And rub elbows with the pseudo-French ? eiw. I would die trying to navigate about trying to read the bilingual road signs.

Aw hell, I'll drive ya. :) I've been a Montreal driver for 16 years. It's not like we have a reputaion for careless, crazy and high-speed driving or anything, honest we don't.

And I know ALL the best Poutine joints, especially the ones still open after the clubs close :D
I keep waiting for one of the Montreal crowd to invite me for a stay. I've become a pensioner waiting for Prof to get around to it.
unclehobart said:
I keep waiting for one of the Montreal crowd to invite me for a stay. I've become a pensioner waiting for Prof to get around to it.

*prods prof in his nether regions. then thoroughly washes her hands *

Bish DOES have that annual barbeque of his in the summer....

*prods prof a couple more times for good meaasure*
Hey, I invited you. Several times. Am I supposed to tell you when to come too? Maybe arrange train passage? You're the one who chickened out because of a few lousy feet of snow and ice.
I recall an exchange of phone numbers and an intent to invite to go all the way up to the cabin, but no invitation to Montreal itself. I wrote three emails asking when a good time to call you up for a simple chit chat to start working on the details was and never got a reply. I've never gotten past your answering machine at work. All of those working plans were put aside because v3.0 was all of 2-3 months old. It seemed a wee bit rude to me to be a total stranger getting underfoot at such a delicate recovery area for her. That and you had just become super busy to the point that you wern't even online that much anymore. ...and then there was the endless list of repairs for the house. I was just letting you settle out a bit and let you call me at your convenience. You've asked for and been given my personal info several times, but have yet to ever use it.
unclehobart said:
I keep waiting for one of the Montreal crowd to invite me for a stay. I've become a pensioner waiting for Prof to get around to it.

You're more than welcome to come and stay with us!!! We'd be thrilled to show you around. As long as you're not allergic to cats that is.

Poutine is definitely something everyone has to try once. I love the stuff.
There are 4 OTC montrealers, let's make it a party, anyone else in for the long drive to poutine??

(decarie hotdog poutine, fries still fried in lard)
3 months ago I would have jumped at it... but I've become super busy right now. The first forseeable break in the action would be about mid spring... besides, I've always wanted to be up there for a few days in high summer to see everything green and experience a 15 hour long day... not a bitterly cold 8 hour day. If I came up now, I could only stay for like a day and a half... and after the 21-23 hours it would take to drive it. I dare say that I would end up sleeping for a good 12 to shake off such a long drive. That would leave one day to try and visit all 5 of you up there. With a little foreplanning, I could make it a much more comfortable 3 day visit and muscle in on one of the Bish-B-Q's
paul_valaru said:
There are 4 OTC montrealers, let's make it a party, anyone else in for the long drive to poutine??

(decarie hotdog poutine, fries still fried in lard)
I count 5. Prof, Bish, Cam, and you two.