

molṑn labé
Staff member
40x more powerful than the daisy cutter. Able to disentigrate tall buildings in a single blast. Faster than well, it's only as fast as gravity allows but it makes up for it.

Mother Of All Bombs, tested today & videotaped to show Iraqi military what's coming.

EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force said it dropped a 21,000-pound MOAB bomb on a range in northwest Florida on Tuesday in a successful first live test of a powerful new weapon.

The acronym stands for "Massive Ordnance Air Burst" but military officials have nicknamed it the "Mother Of All Bombs."

The power of the 10.5-ton MOAB bomb falls far short of that generated by nuclear weapons, however. The nuclear bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945, generated 15 kilotons of energy.
I can see one major problem right off. That much weight is gonna slow down most bombers to target practice speeds.
i like big boobs. just as lethal, only nicer to look at. and (usually) they don't explode.


i'll stop making useless comments now. bye.
i like big bombs and i can not lie, all you other brother can deny (etc)

shadow - don't squeeze the fakes ones to hard, exploding norks could cause temporary disatisfaction with your bedroom session ;)
