unclehobart jumps the shark

I used to do side parts when I was 10-13. I gave it up when I noticed that it was messing up my sides and causing a bit of creepage there. It really hasn't moved since... nor has it come back. I also keep a great deal of the hair on my temples ground down to a very short length... possibly adding to the optical illusion.
alex said:
You'll get used to it quick. I started turning grey by 25. Now I'm totally grey....hell, almost white. My chest hair is grey and a good size grey patch in the crotch. Funny thing though, my mustache is still light brown.

Whoa Dude!

I've often wondered if old folk get grey pubes in late life..........(jus' tryin' to anticipate a realiztic expectation for my own senior years).

I'm 34, (minimal overall body-hair), bald chest, common to my heritage, (gladly), but I've noticed 5 white hairs, amoung my black cranial stubble, in the last year.

It was a bit of a shock at first notice, but...........grey pubes?...........for real?:confuse2: (dayamn!)
It's the greying shoulder hair that I'm dreading. I can take the chest hair going grey. I can take having the occaisional grey knuckle hair. Even the hobbit like foot hair can grey all it wants. Leg, belly, ass, let it all go. But the shoulders ...:crying5:
Grey balls :lol:

I've got hair all over, so if i go grey it ain't gonna be purdy, my dads 52 or something and only got grey in his beard, and only a bit on the sides and chin, full head with no colour loss, body hair still black as well, looks good for my future :lol:
75renegade said:
Whoa Dude!

I've often wondered if old folk get grey pubes in late life..........(jus' tryin' to anticipate a realiztic expectation for my own senior years).

I'm 34, (minimal overall body-hair), bald chest, common to my heritage, (gladly), but I've noticed 5 white hairs, amoung my black cranial stubble, in the last year.

It was a bit of a shock at first notice, but...........grey pubes?...........for real?:confuse2: (dayamn!)

Late in life? Jeez, I'm not that old. My mom had grey hair as long as I can remember....runs on her side of the family. I did go into a KFC last week and the guy rang me up for the senior citizen discount which was rather depressing :(

It's kinda hard to tell in this pic but my chest is almost all grey. Sorry, no pics of the crotch :p

I've always wondered if redheads or blondes have pubic hair to match. I've never dated a red head or a true blonde.
That's how you tell a true redhead from a dyejob. My wife is a true redhead & I pay dearly for it :D
Unless they're the kind whose hair will bleach out when subject to sun. Otherwise the carpet should match the drapes.
Sorry Pad, if my "late in life" comment put ruffles in yer feathers, though somehow, I doubted it............

Look, when I was like 6, I passed by the bathroom in my G-Granparents' house, where my 75 yr old Grampy 'ad appearently 'forgotten' to close the door, whilst he proceeded to take a wiz.......

After an embarrassed glance, passin' by, I happened to notice this strange appearent brown hue 'round 'is lower quarter, that did not match 'is crown of white.

From that point forward, i could'nt help but wonder, "why don't old folks pubes match their crowns?"

Not askin' fer pics, of course...........not my style, but my youthful curiousity got a bit stoked when ya gave yer own 'immodest' admission. (wonderin' 'bout my own earthly future)? Jus' askin like the younger brother that I am.....??(
ahhh grey in the beard is very noticable, head region is getting more by the day. the rest of the bod even i dont look there anymore. too depressing.:eek2: