Upgraded the forum software.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
Added built in link to OTC mail to make it easier for everyone to get to their mail now. Also added the OTC store link.
God i hope i dont break this yet. :p


molṑn labé
Staff member
samcurry said:
Added built in link to OTC mail to make it easier for everyone to get to their mail now.

Thanks you, thank you thankyou.

Now, maybe, I'll remember to see who's mad at whom over what thread at least more than once a month.


New Member
Luis G said:
There was a time when I was number one in all the lists...then I got a life, and then I got my no-life back.

Real life is overrated. People keep expecting you to do screwed up things. Like make a meaningful contribution to society. You know, 'cause paying your taxes just aren't good enough. It's like you have to do something spectacular all the time because Joe Schmo and his pals are out there saving the earth and kinds of kak like that. And you wonder who they're saving it for - most kids these days are complete fucktards who aren't worth the skin they were born in.


New Member
It's Monday.
Weather is exceptionally shitty.
I just came back to work after being off sick last Thursday & Friday (bronchial tract infection or summit and a lovely dose of laringitis added for good measure). Now I am stuck behind a mountian of paperwork. And still feeling crap.

On the bright side...I did get laid on Thursday :D

But that was not all that wonderful because screaming someone's name just ain't all that purdy when you break into acoughing fit in the middle of it :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I finally found my dancing chicken avatar and tried to upload it but I get this error: "You may not upload animated images"

I have an animated image now?????

*kicks fury


Well-Known Member
We appear to have lost a somewhat critical component of the Karma system. The ability to turn it off. Could someone look into this, please.


New Member
I thought you like wagging your green beans in everyone's faces??

** Rememeber the time before the great Sam / fury combo got hold of it & made it so that only a specified number of beads showed? The screen got completely whcked out with the amount of pips someone had. Was a bitch posting in the same thread as the 'popular' kids (yup tonksy....unc...Squiggs...I am referring to you :p ;))


New Member
Prof? Why does it matter? No one can see how much you actually have. It's all uniform and shit. I still want purple karma.