Why the hate?

Stop Laughing said:
but I probably could've turned out better than I am now, maybe done better in school, not drop out of college, etc.

You're smart man, I'm surprised you drop college because of that, you should have known better ;)
Gato_Solo said:
I thought that kind of divorce was pretty much automatic. :shrug:

BTW...Did I ever tell you that cats taste terrible? :p

What kind of divorce? Him being in jail.......Ummmm...he's there because he showed up at my house the 6th of this month waiting for my oldest son to get off the bus, mind..he was hiding across the street...he is supposed to have supervised visits with a third party and let me know when he is coming. So, needless to say I called the cops and told them i had a funny feeling of why he was doing this (like put our son in the truck and drive away) and when they came they arrested him for an outstanding warrant in FLA here!

Cats taste terrible??? :alienhuh:
You havent tasted this pussy now have ya!JK
OMG Sorry-I couldnt resist saying that.... :lol2:
Mare said:
Cats taste terrible??? :alienhuh:
You havent tasted this pussy now have ya!JK
OMG Sorry-I couldnt resist saying that.... :lol2:

Is that an offer for a free sample? :brow:
nothing in this world is free my Love..... :D

besides it all taste like chicken, right???? LOL
MrBishop said:
This one's cute
Not having a father corrupts kids? What about having two fathers? or No mother? What if Papa dies...the kids have the same issues?

Yes, a lot of the issues kids have if their father is absent are the same if their father has passed away...the fighting and such of divorce and two parents in different homes etc causes different issues...but if there is no father a lot of the effects are the same despite the reason.
A dead father is still a missing father. In the back recesses of the mind, there is a whole lot less rejection with a dead father.
Gonz said:
A dead father is still a missing father. In the back recesses of the mind, there is a whole lot less rejection with a dead father.

Quite true my friend.
It's going to be official signing day here....

I have an appointment at 3:30 p.m. today.....sign and send my divorce/custody papers.....Really don't think there will be a problem with the actual divorce.....it's the stipulations in the custody part that might freak him out alittle.....
Being a single mom 24/7.......hard work.....but now-Mother's Day is here and it makes it all worth it! :D
In the end I reckon it's a matter of personal choice - I grew up with both parents and have a strong familial relationship. Yet I made a few screwed up choices in my life and had to pay the price for it. Thing is people should learn to take responsibility for their own actions and stop looking for excuses and other people to blame. I didn't spend 9 months in rehab because my mom or dad did something - they didn't force anything on me, I CHOSE to snort 8gms coke a day. But I also CHOSE to book myself into a program and have been clean for more than a year now, not because I had to do it but, because I saw the way my life was going and decided to do something about it. :shrug:
AlphaTroll said:
In the end I reckon it's a matter of personal choice - I grew up with both parents and have a strong familial relationship. Yet I made a few screwed up choices in my life and had to pay the price for it. Thing is people should learn to take responsibility for their own actions and stop looking for excuses and other people to blame. I didn't spend 9 months in rehab because my mom or dad did something - they didn't force anything on me, I CHOSE to snort 8gms coke a day. But I also CHOSE to book myself into a program and have been clean for more than a year now, not because I had to do it but, because I saw the way my life was going and decided to do something about it. :shrug:

*adds to buddy list*

That revelation is sometimes a long time coming today. Personally, I blame the easy living we've got.
AlphaTroll said:
In the end I reckon it's a matter of personal choice - I grew up with both parents and have a strong familial relationship. Yet I made a few screwed up choices in my life and had to pay the price for it. Thing is people should learn to take responsibility for their own actions and stop looking for excuses and other people to blame. I didn't spend 9 months in rehab because my mom or dad did something - they didn't force anything on me, I CHOSE to snort 8gms coke a day. But I also CHOSE to book myself into a program and have been clean for more than a year now, not because I had to do it but, because I saw the way my life was going and decided to do something about it. :shrug:

Exactly, but if we aren't taught/trained/instructed in the 'rules', then we make those mistakes. Without one parent, those rules are a lot less likely to be taught, let alone enforced. And that's the most important thing of all...the enforcement. Nobody likes to be the 'bad guy', but sometimes that's the role a parent is dealt. Too many get caught up in trying to be the child's buddy instead of the parent, and that's the failure of our modern society, and the idea that free expression is the most important aspect of life.
That's nothing. Read this...Just don't let Bish see it, or we'll be accused of something terrible...

Oh...and for anyone interested, almost all of the sites I found about motherless children dealt with the woman dying. The few that I found that weren't were extremely biased, and dealt with rumor and innuendo, and were a direct reaction to the 'Father's Rights' sites I would not link to for statistics in this thread. :shrug: Considering that, before the 1950's, almost all children of divorce were given to the father, this makes no sense. There must be something somewhere that doesn't spew anti-male vitriol/bile in every paragraph...