yardwork shocker


New Member
I'm out trimming hedges and such when I ran across this little beauty. Needless to say, I didn't finish that particular hedge. It looks rather lopsided... but... like I gives a shit about that while this little slithering hospital visit was less than a foot from my leg. Can someone ID it for me while I get back out in the yard? Its a juvenile, right at about 12 inches. Common ones around here are cottonmouth and copperhead. I know what the adults look like.. not the kiddies.


deathfang.jpg, 124.17kb



New Member
Sorry about the fuzziness. I was crammming the camera into the heart of a bush. My attention was on keeping the branches out of the way. The focus plane kept jumping all over.


molṑn labé
Staff member
generally, poisonous snakes have a triangular head, that appears rounded so it's PROBABLY not poisonous. baby snakes look much the same as adults. from here, guessing, it appears to be a constrictor type, probably someones pet on the loose.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I'd agree with Gonz, take a stick and see if he strikes at it. Gives you a good indication if he'll bite you.


New Member
Got a better piccy. Blunt point nose sensing pits... slit eyes... its poisonous i'd say. Not a damn chance for me to go in and start yammering at it with a stick. I want it to grow strong and become fat with chipmunks.


diediedie.jpg, 228.53kb



New Member

Its a copperhead. Youse guys wuz trying to get me killed. :). Naaa... jus' a harmless lil' reticulated python escaped from down the street. Pick it up.. kiss it.. love it... its harmless.

Its amazing how much more you can tell from a crisp photo rather than a grainy one.

Now im off to go find bigfoot.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Now that the pic is clear...I think it looks a lot like a cottonmouth. Fairly poisonous, and rather shy. Won't bite unless it feels it's being provoked. Wise decision to leave it alone...


New Member
Its just a juvenile. It doesn't bug me. Its the 75-100 chipmunks and 50+ rabbits tearing shit apart that bug me. I want more snakes. Hell.. I want a Burmese python.


unclehobart said:
Its just a juvenile. It doesn't bug me. Its the 75-100 chipmunks and 50+ rabbits tearing shit apart that bug me. I want more snakes. Hell.. I want a Burmese python.

Arhm, I see. You have a problem with chipmunks and rabbits?


New Member
LastLegionary said:
unclehobart said:
LastLegionary said:
Use your .38. Or a shortgun, if you want to trim the hedges a bit.
I think the block associaton would frown at it.

Block association?
When you buy a house in a subdivision or a condo or the like... there are usually homeowners association that have covenants to prevent people from doing whacky stuff to lower the overall property values. They are both good and bad. They can be real jerks about the little stuff; preventing you from putting certain plants in places, painting your eaves anything other than dead neutral white.... but they are also good for keeping that one yahoo down the street from running a hog tannery in the backyard or leaving derelict cars in the yard.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Scratch that. I just googled, and it looks like an immature copperhead.


Be afraid. Be very afraid. You're quite lucky not to get bitten thrusting your camera at it.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
unclehobart said:
LastLegionary said:
unclehobart said:
LastLegionary said:
Use your .38. Or a shortgun, if you want to trim the hedges a bit.
I think the block associaton would frown at it.

Block association?
When you buy a house in a subdivision or a condo or the like... there are usually homeowners association that have covenants to prevent people from doing whacky stuff to lower the overall property values. They are both good and bad. They can be real jerks about the little stuff; preventing you from putting certain plants in places, painting your eaves anything other than dead neutral white.... but they are also good for keeping that one yahoo down the street from running a hog tannery in the backyard or leaving derelict cars in the yard.

And trimming your hedges with a 12 guage.


New Member
PuterTutor said:
Just keep the kiddies away from it, K?
The youngest person in my house is 27. No problem there. I live in an uptight older persons neighborhood. Not too many kids... at least they don't come mucking across my yard that I ever see.


unclehobart said:
LastLegionary said:
unclehobart said:
LastLegionary said:
Use your .38. Or a shortgun, if you want to trim the hedges a bit.
I think the block associaton would frown at it.

Block association?
When you buy a house in a subdivision or a condo or the like... there are usually homeowners association that have covenants to prevent people from doing whacky stuff to lower the overall property values. They are both good and bad. They can be real jerks about the little stuff; preventing you from putting certain plants in places, painting your eaves anything other than dead neutral white.... but they are also good for keeping that one yahoo down the street from running a hog tannery in the backyard or leaving derelict cars in the yard.

Yes I'm familiar with them. They are pesky though. :D