Recent content by JohnB1000

  1. J

    Let the fun begin

    Its a little late to take back the statement about yellow cake from africa people are dead cause of these bogus statements! He needs to be brought up on war crimes or our we letting him off the hook? ........FAT CHANCE!
  2. J

    Condoleezza Rice sniffling rat that she is!

    whats a matter gato cant stand the truth?......or is the word bitch that bothered you so bad? Your beloved chimp is going down and soon! remember ........he'll need a pardon before he will leave office!
  3. J

    Condoleezza Rice sniffling rat that she is!

    You give all war criminals respect ? To get respect you have to earn respect!
  4. J

    Condoleezza Rice sniffling rat that she is!

    Condoleezza Rice is [edit] now pointing her finger at the CIA stating that they gave Bush [edit] faulse information. Also contending that the British said that Iraq was restarting its nucular weapons program . Blair [edit] stands behind his statement how ever faulse and wrong it is. Any bets...
  5. J


    and now you break my fucking heart im on iggy....what a putz
  6. J


    sorry i made a spelling mistake i didn't know you were so fucking perfect!
  7. J

    Let the downfall begin

    downfall getting back to the original statement.......the reason the far right is having heart attacks is because they have more gays in their closets then the left do and the left just doesnt give a shit!
  8. J

    Ignore this thread

    Its just wishfull thinking from the Bush administration kind of like children the night before christmas . Ever see any of them (Bush people) talk about the wmds .....they sound like those children . ..........there is a santa clause there is a santa clause...there aint no santa and there aint...
  9. J


    Its just another ploy by Ashcroft to smoke out anyone who may not agree with the Bush admistration once they see who writes negative things about certain poiliticians they will then be put on a list. Very similar to Hittler tactics used by the thrid riegh . Then they will use rights that they...
  10. J

    Liberia here we go again!

    Same speach by the chimp in D.C. " in order to have peace bla ba bla has to leave the country" there will be WMD's in liberia. Then humanitarian aid will be promised and we will occupy Liberia. Bonzo must have other motives for Liberia. Could it be he needs another war to get...
  11. J

    almost had a house fire

    ashs in a plastic rock bucket I did that once greenfreak ........i put ashs from the fireplace into a plastic bucket the ashs were 4 days old needless to say it wasn't enough time. I put the plastic bucket outside and within a hour or so I noticed that the back yard was brighter then it should...
  12. J

    ambassador bremer....friggin idiot!

    everyday another u.s. death! June 27th...........another u.s. soldier was killed i said everyday someone is killed in iraq. We don't belong there! And remember according to Bremer....this country is 98% secure!
  13. J

    ambassador bremer....friggin idiot!

    Ambassador Bremer is a fucking idiot yes man from jump street ! Says things only Bush wants him to say. Like Iraq is totaly secure.......thats why people die everyday in Iraq . The last thing is Iraq is secure. He's just another clueless bastard like the rest of the Bush team. Everytime I hear...
  14. J

    Hamas vs Israel

    Its real easy to set back and be a monday morning quarterback. Everyone wants to pick sides and say it was Hamas it was the Israelies either way the bottom line is that the Jews have the their land and won't give it back. To end this war and all the attacks on both sides ..the Jews have...