Recent content by rh71

  1. rh71

    NY DMV registration

    nevermind - found it goes by vehicle weight.
  2. rh71

    What's changed?

    Hmm... did this place come into being because HwC closed OT ? It feels so long ago...
  3. rh71

    NY DMV registration

    not sure how many NY'kers are on this board so I thought I'd ask anyway... Does the cost of your registration fee (2 years) depend on the type of vehicle ? (ie. SUV vs. 4-cylinder econobox) ? An SUV costs $55 but an Eagle Talon costs $35. I just want to make sure it's not an error on their part.
  4. rh71

    I Just Got Twins™

    Hey toolbox... been a while.. nice to see you on another board besides HwC. ;) I see Professur is here too... was there some kind of migration I should know about ? Nice bikes BTW.
  5. rh71

    labor day weekend question

    Thanks for the responses... I've been thinking the absolute worst thing to do was to wait on the announcement of the date, so I agree that's the best thing to do first. Greenfreak... we're holding the ceremony at FoxHollows in Woodbury (haven't booked just yet)... and the reception will be...
  6. rh71

    labor day weekend question

    We're trying to plan a wedding date and one of the only Saturdays left for where we want is 9/4/04. Some other places had 9/5 (Sunday) instead. 1) Would you guys attend a wedding that weekend (what's the likelihood you'd already be doing something or want to do something else then) ? 2)...
  7. rh71

    employment / taxes

    I don't know if you can even see this as a non-compete issue since these people asking me to do work would not usually engage my company A to do similar work. I mean they do web stuff, but it's not like I'm taking clients away from them. Some clients are even just referrals from friends...
  8. rh71

    employment / taxes

    Say I work for company A. I also do freelance web design on my own. I've signed a non-compete agreement when I got hired with company A, but I really only do freelance for the extra cash on the side and not as a business of my own. A client for my freelance work wants to file tax form...
  9. rh71

    Whats your real name....

    I'm Ed. But so is my brother. :crying3:
  10. rh71

    Honda Accord fuel/tranny problems

    Thanks guys. We brought it to the dealer after the first independent shop couldn't diagnose the problem and we didn't want to waste anymore time. It's been weeks. The dealer was expected to be more expensive but at least they know Hondas and their anomalies. Well we went in not expecting...
  11. rh71

    Honda Accord fuel/tranny problems

    We brought it into the Honda dealer because on the phone, the guy seemed knowledgeable about it. He asked questions like do I hear a click or do I notice a fresh fuel smell and less fuel efficiency. I noticed the latter two (though I didn't think it was necessary to mention here)... so he had...
  12. rh71

    I love ATI!

    Heh that's pretty cool. My tv set is right here in front of me anyway.. so... ;)
  13. rh71

    someone please help me set up outlook....

    Did they say you would get email service when you registered for this domain name? Did you purchase this domain name through ? If yes, they are the ones who will directly be able to help you, as it is their responsibility to provide this information. Otherwise, there is no way...
  14. rh71

    someone please help me set up outlook....

    Hi there... your WHOIS info on points to as your registrar. Your registrar is who gives you your email address. You need to contact and ask them your POP3 (incoming email) and SMTP (outgoing email) addresses to use for Outlook Express. This is assuming they...
  15. rh71

    Honda Accord fuel/tranny problems

    Thanks again for the replies. Well it's still happening very sporadically... warm or cold weather. Yesterday in 80F weather, we started up the car, drove fine on local roads for all of 2 minutes then the car didn't want to accelerate past 1st gear into 2nd again. When idling, it shakes and...