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  1. J

    a shocker!

    They're thrilled, sort of guess like my state now, exhillaration and fear. I'm going to call Justins' family now and tell them, then go to her :) p.s blame Justin, had to occupy time when worrying about him. p.s if you never see me again its because Diana saw this and killed me. :D Gone...
  2. J

    a shocker!

    I'm off to France tomorrow, and i have BIGGER news. My fiance Diana is Pregnant! :bgpile: I'm in between :bgpile: and :hangman: right now :D Take care people of OTC :D :anibang: Oh, and Justin is fine, as a sidenote :P Haven't told the wee bastard yet :laugh:
  3. J

    Nother how you doin thread

    See here to see how i and Justin are doing :(
  4. J

    This makes me mad

    I saw in the Metro today, 6 British soldiers killed in Iraq by an angry mob of 400, they were shot AFTER they surrendered their weapons with the very same weapons. Barbarians! :(
  5. J

    My new hobby (of sorts)

  6. J

    My new hobby (of sorts)

    You sir are a party and sport event pooper!
  7. J

    My new hobby (of sorts)

    Does anyone here play table tennis? Justin introduced me to it last year and now i can't play enough! My gym had an old board and now i've gotten a few fellows to come practice with me almost every weekend, i love it! :swing:
  8. J

    IQ test, for the hell of it

    whoopsie! To avoid confusion its Gregory again!
  9. J

    question from a love-sick puppy.

    I and Justin give our most heartfelt condolences, very sorry to hear of your loss and wish you the best of luck coping with it. Greg
  10. J

    IQ test, for the hell of it

    I got a whopping 137 :eek: with the mensa i got 18/30 right.
  11. J


  12. J


    Hello Luis! are you on msn?
  13. J


    :cool2: Unfortunately he has my description pretty dead on :( Nite :beerbang:
  14. J


    ooh you posted before i did, goodnight miss Green lady :)
  15. J


    All good things come to an end, maybe i will join some day when life is a little less busy. For now i'm going to get plastered and well fed, laters peeps!
  16. J


    To borrow from American slang, i'm taking the fifth on that one! :D
  17. J


    Stop it man! :D
  18. J


    Dangerous my aunt fannie! I've been well, i am 100% sure you're the green lady! (mostly because Justin told me so himself) :D
  19. J


    No, its not Justin having a personality crisis, its his cousin Gregory! Leslie, this place is blue not green, unless i'm colour blind! :yell: Just dropped in to say HI! :smoke3:
  20. J


    As this guy i can, and hes got no powers whatsoever, you got problems man or a selective browser ;) nite all, gonna sleep :D said this so many times already its getting old :D