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  1. T

    Uncle Sams new toy

    Woo Hoo, another jet aircraft!!! It's kick ass and all, but can we get some new technology here? 100 years from now... 'The latest in flight technolgy, 3 engines, buring 50% more fuel to go 25% faster than the last model. The only problem is, we'll run out of gas in 12 hours, get your...
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    Home phones to hit road

    I'm not pro-phones at all, and I dont own one anyway, but when I get one I suppose it's going to be a cell phone and thats it, cell phones are taking over. Hell wireless stuff in general is takeing over, wireless networks, satalite T.V. ect. We don't have video phones like in all those...
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    I bought two jewels

    Soo, you know C++, and compilers, yet you get the books to read them for fun? Man I almost killed myself when I made a "hello" program in c++ from a tutorial online, I'm a programing noob, but I'll own all soon. I congradulate you devotion to, um, programing, or learning or something like that.
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    *Gets out magnifying glass* Oh NOO! I think I see a black spot..... Nope just my dirty monitor.... Licks monitor clean.... Man I could use some of those cleaing skills.. But I got to say, this topic is very random.
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    A New World Record for Data Transmission

    Hmm, I think I heard about this before, but I though it was faster? Oh well, do we know what they used? Fiberoptics???
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    Glitch in the Matrix!

    I say it was a glitch in the matrix, some guy just got his penis enarged... It's weird how the matrix wiorks....
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    I'm not a veteran, mostley cause the army doesn't accept teenagers, or at least my age teenagers. I'm thinking about joining up, and I'd be willing to kill anything that threatens the U.S. of A. Also I'd just like to say thank you to all of you who have served.
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    Watch your mouth

    Man this thread is off topic, but I want another post, so... (No intelligent respone to that moronic artical) No wait there is, HAHAHAHA, what ever happened to 'Sticks and stones can break my bones, but WORDS ON A SCREEN CANT HURT YOU!'
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    rant rant rant

    I call them dumbasses or morons, your word implies an uncontrolable mental problem, when you using it to refer to people being stupid when they can help it, unless you just a jackass who makes fun of the mental handycapt, but I dont think you are, cause I dont know you. Anywho onto the...
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    A riddle without an answer....

    Yes, a riddle has to have an answer, you may not understand the answer, you may not think there is an answer, but there most likely is. If there is no possible answer than its just a stupid question, and call the person that asked you it a moron, or a dumbass, both good. Now that I think...
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    buying a brain

    I'm offended by that, but ya it's true. Also, I heard a similar one from my 6th grade math teacher. In the future, a guy is walking down the street and sees brain store. He thinks, 'I could use a new brain', so he goes into the store and see's three brains in jars. One is of a doctor, it...
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    Favorite Clieches.........

    I hate all those sayings, 'cause there are so many contradictions... Practice makes perfect... Nobody is perfect... Some are vague.... Anything is possible... True, but most things are improbable Down right wrong... There is always somebody better.. No there's not, I'm the best
  13. T

    Where do you live, and is it nice?

    St. Petersburg, Florida Not a bad place to live in, at all. It's one of the fastest growing places in the U.S. lot's of people, and lots of places to go. Beaches are nice, not the best, but they are decent, and there's lots of em. Lots of other places to to, many themeparks, DisneyWorld ya...