0bama: North Korea 'Recklessly Challenging' International Community


Well-Known Member
0bama's words mean nothing and our enemies know that. He is a joke.

"The United States and the international community must take action in response," Obama said, noting that North Korea had abandoned a previous pledge to halt its nuclear program and has with its actions violated United Nations resolutions. "We will work with friends and allies to stand up to this behavior."

Sounds like a cabinet meeting is in order to determine if a strongly worded letter is needed.
Well at least the North Koreans got it right the second time
they tried to detonate a crude atomic device.

Chalk one up for the Great One!

I still don’t think its gonna sit very well with the Israelis
when (if) the Iranians ever figure it out….

That’s gonna be a true test of Hussein’s leadership abilities heh heh
nah, but his press secretary told me he's about to call you for advice on how to suck the life out of any conversation by using insipid catchphrases.
If you want to make a statement, Barry ... fire off an ICBM and light that fucker off within a yard of Kim's ground zero. Then, you'll have made a statement.

BTW, at that point, noone can really say anything about it, since Kim has already declared that area uninhabitable by his own tests.
...oh sure, that'd help a lot. :rolleyes:

I think that Kim knows that 'Merica can do with it's missiles... what Kim needs to know is what 'Merica can do with it's sanctions...and how well it can 'inform' the general populace in the NK about what their great leader is up to.

A leaflet-drop over a few select major cities in NK will do more than bombs dropped over the same cities.
Bish, america can't do shit with it's sanctions so long as China, iran, half of africa ...etc ... don't join in. Perhaps the bomb won't do anything where Kim is concerned .... I think it'll do a lot where his generals are. The not so subtle reminder that they're still 50 years behind, and building a .22 to scare guys with Uzis.
right... a leaflet... after years of government brainwashing of the locals, a leaflet will... do... nothing.
It's about getting the information to the people...Kim's got one hell of a grip on media and information. Dropping a bomb where Mr and Mrs Everyday will never see it, or even hear about it is a wasted effort. The Kim-media machine will spin it into a great and glorious test of their newest weapon and how America is running scared now. A direct drop of info with no 'filters' - :smoke4:
Bish, america can't do shit with it's sanctions so long as China, iran, half of africa ...etc ... don't join in. Perhaps the bomb won't do anything where Kim is concerned .... I think it'll do a lot where his generals are. The not so subtle reminder that they're still 50 years behind, and building a .22 to scare guys with Uzis.
China will play ball.. they've got zero interest in seeing Kim with a bomb. Iran... won't play along. They want to buy the bombs from NK..Africa is being groomed by China and they'll toe whatever line China draws.

IMO..the generals would be nice to scare, but they're too close to the seat of power and can't flex their muscles without Kim knowing it and stopping it...hell, they'll backstab anyone who steps outta line in order to be that much closer to the seat of power... Wake up the populace, and you've got a whole new game.
It's about getting the information to the people...

right, as soon as they get that leaflet in their clutches, they'll ascend from years of myth and propaganda and become just like an uppity "i know my rights" type from the developed, western world.

yeah, and next week, after a massively impactful encounter with a college-age political agitator, winky will join PETA and start firebombing all those evil houses of meat that dot the suburban landscape.

also, i have a fourteen inch wang.
also, i have a fourteen inch wang.

Really? I thought I was the only one smuggling N.Korean dwarfs into north america for servants. I've got a Hung Lo, a To Hawd, and an I. Don Pea

Hard working little fuckers. Really keep the wimmen folk happy with the service.
Off hand, I'd say that Kim would be more scared by the populace knowing too much*, or even starting to see the strings** than by the populace disappearing into a cloud of radioactive dust.

*Please note that this figure is relative to how much they now know and not how much the western world knows.

**Ask China about the impact capitalism/the internet has had on their communist ideals once the idea of making money got to the little people for a fine example of how a little information can go a long way.
I suppose that we can always wait for Kim to die and for one of his equally f@cked up sons to take over. :shrug:
i don't think any of us wants a nukefest. 'cept possibly winky.
Granted...but all I'm hearing is people knocking down my ideas and not offering their own. I'm pretty sure that this place isn't completely populated by armchair politicians.
People, people. it's all under control.

Our President will sit with his advisors & staff & promptly send a strongly worded note to Kim telling we are displeased with his actions. After all, the messiah wants change & Kim is going about things in the old school method.