0bama: North Korea 'Recklessly Challenging' International Community

Our President will sit with his advisors & staff & promptly send a strongly worded note to Kim telling we are displeased with his actions. After all, the messiah wants change & Kim is going about things in the old school method.

hmmm yeah let's see what happens.
i don't think any of us wants a nukefest. 'cept possibly winky.

You know I'm all about a nukefest but alas the gooks never intended to use them.
Use would mean immediate extinction, why bother they've gotten tons of mileage
out of just making them. The insane Persians on the other hand, doncha think they'd
shoot them off given half a chance? Not to mention the Jews hold a mighty
dim veiw of old Ahmadinejad being able to vaporize Tel Aviv.
Events are gaining momentum, as a direct result of yer boys placating the terroristic nations. Them chickens are a coming home to roost and when the Shia hits the fan ya don’t wanna be in the way. No that’s right yer safe and sound up there in the great Northwest with all them pot smoking plaid wearing tree huggin’ Hippies!
Gates Warns North Korea Not to Provoke U.S.

The U.N. Security Council is considering tough sanctions to punish North Korea for its nuclear test. In turn, North Korean leaders said they would respond in "self-defense" to the as-of-yet unspecified sanctions but did not say how.

U.S. Officials 'Kind of Worried' Over Activity at North Korean Military Facility
U.S. intelligence officials have spotted activity at a key North Korean military facility that has them "kind of worried," a senior official told FOX News.

Kinda worried: It’s a technical term.

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Teleprompter

What does a nuclear madman have to do to get America’s attention? On Memorial Day, the North Koreans detonated “an underground atomic device many times more powerful than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” as my old colleagues at the Irish Times put it. You’d think that’d rate something higher than “World News In Brief,” see foot of page 37. But instead Washington was consumed by the Supreme Court nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, who apparently has a “compelling personal story.”

We're doomed.
yes, yes, we're doomed. i suggest you go down in your underground survival bunker right now and never come out. ever.
Don't sell me down the river just yet.

"I don't think that anybody in the (Obama) administration thinks there is a crisis," Gates told reporters aboard his military jet early Friday morning, still Thursday night in Washington.

Whew! It sounded like the situation was building to a preemptive strike. :rolleyes:
"I don't think that anybody in the (Roosevelt) administration thinks there is a crisis,"
so, then, foreign policy advisors, what EXACTLY should the administration be doing? please lay out your plan step-by-step with detailed timing.
I'd start with Maddy Albright. She & Jiminy sure had a handle on it.
Don’t worry Minkster, they are doing what all them Demorat administrations do
and they will get the same piss poor results. 2012 we’ll come a riding in and save the day
like usual and you can piss and moan for the ensuing eight years of fascist Republican rule.
Meanwhile...back in the Middle East...

A UN report says Iran now has enough uranium to make an atomic bomb.

The UN's nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, says Iran has amassed more than 1,300kg of uranium - well over the amount needed to make a single atomic bomb.

Iran has ignored UN resolutions ordering it to stop enriching uranium, saying its programme is peaceful.