1001 signs that you post too much at OTC....


Well-Known Member
Lot of work ahead of us people so lets get going.

1. You've shaved your head to resemble the OTC mascot.

2. You're considered spray painting yourself yellow temporarily to be faithful to the end.

3. You quickly keep taking a sneak peek at OTC while you're suppose to be looking at porn.

4. You ignore your drug habbit to see if anyone posted anything new since the last 30 seconds.

5. View>Options>Refresh Browser>Every 10 seconds.

6. The OTC logo has been permanently burned on to your monitor.

7. You've looked at your monitor from different angles hoping you could see more of Leslie's legs in her past avatar.

8. You start to agree with Gonz :D .

9. You named your new born Othello Troy Casius.

10. Your wife/husband is threatening divorce if you do not change newborn's name...you do not budge

11. When having sex your face represents that of :nanabang:...depending on what position you are in...same arm action follows

12. You exchange more words in the shoutbox at work then you do with LIVE coworkers.

13. You can not talk to people unless they have an avatar taped on their shirt.

14. What is sunshine?

15. You talk about OTC to your friends...you're friends do not know what OTC is.

16. You, now, have no friends.

17. Kawaii's server space becomes precious commodity to express your creativity at OTC.

18. You dreamed Tonksy had a mentally challenged son..(shut up, I know)

19. You're on first name basis with other memebers.

20. You forget your spouse's birthday while you're wrapping a gift to be mailed for an OTC member.

21. You now face divorce.

22. Your picture of you, as a fully grown man, wearing a tiara is leaked for the public to see at OTC

23. You can now express more and speak louder with a single animated smilie than a whole paragraph.

24. You down a shot of bourbon everytime you see the OTC headbanger dude.

25. RW becomes your RW.

26. Your kids look like giant fleshy smilies to you.

27. The unibrow, winking smilie gets you hot.

28. You do not worry that a unibrow, winking smilie gets you hot.

29. You mail bottlecaps to other people despite strange looks from family members :D

30. :brush: has cleaner teeth than you sincle you've joined OTC.

31. You'd wish Squiggy would come back to OTC, because a stranger made more sense and was more intelligent than most or every LIVE person you know.

only few more to go....what signs indicate to you that you or others post too much at OTC
omg, it's sad cause many fo those apply to me...especially about :brush:

I was thinking the other day "Damn, this guy has the cleanest teeth EVER because I use him so much in my posts"

i can also express a paragraph of words with a few smilies, I like the brow smilie, I'm on a first name basis with a number of members and I Do wish Squiggy would come back.
OK, I have never done this but it would be a sign of being addicted...

32. You tell your significant other to "keep themselves revved up" for a few more min while you check OTC one last time for the night. :lloyd:
31. You'd wish Squiggy would come back to OTC, because a stranger made more sense and was more intelligent than most or every LIVE person you know.

[chants] I want Squiggy back! I want Squiggy back![/chants]
Unfortunately, none of those are signs i exhibit (except missin Joe) ... i hardly post at all .. in face, i don't know half the people here anymore :(
4. you ignore your drug habit to see if anyone posted anything new since the last 30 seconds.
whew! i'm safe then.
29. you mail bottlecaps to other people despite strange looks from family members :D
and keep 'em coming guys!!!!!
(and again thanks to dave and thulsa...and steve even though he don't hafta mail 'em.)
7. You've looked at your monitor from different angles hoping you could see more of Leslie's legs in her past avatar.

wtf? :eek:
1001 signs that you post too much at OTC....

. . . when you ask for (and receive) a 21" flatscreen monitor and brand-new computer at work, and you don't even use a computer in your duties. :nerd: