2006 Tropical Storm Season Now Below Normal

An open mind requires one to look at & give creedence to opinions that oppose, or contradict, current thinking. We're killing ourselves is current (false) belief.
So your saying you don't have an open mind since you don't give creedence to opinion that opposes your current thinking?
I'm not trying to twist your words. Your definition of an open mind is to be able to give creedence to differing opinions while in the same sentence you put "(false)" by a differing opinion.

Taking it a step further, things you have claimed to be facts that support your opinion have been contradicted by evidence supplied in the thread while you have supplied no evidence to support your opinion.

Open mindedness would consider something like your volcano claim, checking the validity, and then deciding which opinion is valid.

Since the volcano claim is false and yet you still hold to your opinion where is the open mindedness?
I've seem some variation of that theme for a long time. The actual numbers may be incorrect. Since it's so incredibly non-PC to allow any threat other than human, it's difficult getting reliable info. So, for the sake of argument, at the moment I'll yield to your souce & retract that statement. However, I'm pretty sure that SDI plants never look like this.


That was not an incerdibly large eruption either.

I will stand by the fact that ma nature can outdo anything man can do by an immeasurseable amount.

As far as open mind is concerned, since I have little to no authority over anyone, save my son, the term current thinking is defined as the general popular opinion.

I have seen information & have made up my mind & have no need to wander around exposing my thoughts to popular, and frequently incorrect, information. My mind is open to new info but not to rehashed old stuff.
Open mind has nothing to do with "current thinking" as you define it.

It's "A mind receptive to different opinions and ideas".

As far as the picture goes, volcanoes can spew a lot of pollutants, make a real mess with ash, and sulfur dioxide is pretty nasty to breath. It's just that they don't keep up with humans in producing the specific pollutants that would cause global warming.