2006 Tropical Storm Season Now Below Normal

Gonz said:
You can't make an informed opinion on anything you feel. Informed opinion requires thought & judgement. Feelings are fleeting & are worth nothing outside of a little tete-a-tete with the wimmin friends.

Is there a way to make "New Posts" not show threads from the Real World?
Gonz said:

100% of politics affects your daily life. What you chose to accept or ignore is is your business.

Moderates don't argue politics because they're busy burying their heads & ignoring what's happening around them instead of taking a stand.

not in any noticable means, a war will disrupt daily routine, the fact that some senator is taking bribes....

Moderates argue politics at the polls
paul_valaru said:
not in any noticable means,

Taxes, rules, regulations, abilities. inabilities, parking, driving, walking, standing...

Politics affects everything that happens every day. The only way to avoid it is to live in the woods (you know, the government owned & regualted woods)
Gonz said:
Taxes, rules, regulations, abilities. inabilities, parking, driving, walking, standing...

Politics affects everything that happens every day. The only way to avoid it is to live in the woods (you know, the government owned & regualted woods)

yes but going from a liberal gov't here to a conservative one...no change to my daily life.
more money in your pocket. more freedom from government interference. less hassles from the man.
wait till the man trie to take away your porn. Or tap your phone if you're not into that kind of thing.
Yea...I bet the government is sitting around right now spending hard earned tax dollars just listening to spike & his girlfriend discuss dinner plans for Friday night. They have nothing important to do.
Gonz said:
more money in your pocket. more freedom from government interference. less hassles from the man.

a lowering of one tax, offset by the raising of another, I never had gov't interference before, no changes.

The life of an average person is not affected, even in the states.

in a goverment in turmoil, or after a revolution, those lifes are affected.

in 1st world countries, not at all, mostly cause all the diffrent sides are too busy argueing whose philosophies are better to get anything worthwhile done.
That's a joke, right? Katrina wasn't even an impressive storm. Hell, it was hardly worth the mention, 'cept that it hit in the worst prepared place in the entire country. And they've been so slow to rebuild because the taxpayer's been putting them up at the Holiday in in Dallas instead of forcing them to go clean up the mess themselves.

not impressive? Wasn't Katrina a cat.5 hurricane (not cable) shortly before it hit land?
I thought it was a cat 4... but regardless, New Orleans only got the tip of the storm; south Mississippi and Alabama took the brunt.
Nice use of an op-ed piece. It's obvious you didn't actually read what I said, and instead just saw that it doesn't fully agree with you so I must be "in denial." I have seen evidence with my own eyes that the ocean is not at the highest level ever. Just because it's the highest "on record" means absolutely nothing -- just how far do records go back? Certainly not even to the last ice age, let alone to the point where we can know exactly what happened on particular dates 30,000 years ago. Because of that, how can scientists know more than generalities of the warming and cooling cycle? How can they know for sure that the globe has never warmed up at the rate of just over half a degree per century before? Also, which scientists do we speak of?

Your argument is a lot less convincing than you think it is.

There's a bout 650,000 years of data. We talked about it the last thread.
back on topic? pity

so my 2 cents.

the earth has a cycle, or heating and cooling.

I do beleive there is a greenhouse effect, and it is speeding up the cycle, and will continue to speed it up until the earth is thrown off cycle, which is when we as the human race will cease to exist as any form of sociaty we would recognize, and good riddance.
back on topic? pity

so my 2 cents.

the earth has a cycle, or heating and cooling.

I do beleive there is a greenhouse effect, and it is speeding up the cycle, and will continue to speed it up until the earth is thrown off cycle, which is when we as the human race will cease to exist as any form of sociaty we would recognize, and good riddance.


Since the early 1900s, a definite warming trend has been detected which is considered by scientists to be distinct from the cyclical variations that the Earth has experienced for millennia.
A planet, nearly infinite in age (by our puny scale), and we have the audacity to think we can throw a monkey wrench into the system & mess up her timeline while having the ego to beleive that we have even the slightest ability to judge cycles that have gone on for so long that our species has yet to see one complete itself, much less have the wisdom to record it.

Those who find our species so atrocious & akin to a bacteria ought to just go find a giant can of Lysol & take themselves out of the equation. I have no hope for mankind to get out alive but we are not any more than a pimple on the ass of time & tide. By the time we could begin to change an eons old cycle, we'd evolve into our next form.
Wow. The libs & the Pope, working in tandem.

The world "is exposed to a series of risks created by choices and lifestyles that can degrade it," Damage to the environment makes the life of the poor on Earth particularly unbearable,"
I am reminded of the 14th Book of Bokonon (a short book with a long title).

Title: What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the Experience of the Past Million Years?

Only verse: Nothing.
The audacity is ignoring the prrof

There is no proof. Only educated guesses.

You forgot the rest
Gonz said:
while having the ego to beleive that we have even the slightest ability to judge cycles that have gone on for so long that our species has yet to see one complete itself, much less have the wisdom to record it.