2006 Tropical Storm Season Now Below Normal

Altron said:

The parents did pretty well with their house. Still a pretty recent house, less than 40 years old, but older than a lot of the nearby houses, so it's pretty solid and is still big and comfy.

My aunt's house in NY has a bathroom the size of a closet, you open the door, get in, and have to like stand on the toilet seat in order to have enough room to close the door (door opens into the bathroom), it's kinda funny.

well the building in unsafe areas usually only happens in big cities that have experienced population booms.

Edmonton would have been safe to live almost anywhere, Montreal, so-so, I would avoid the new sections of Calgary and Barrie (2 fastest growing communities in Canada) like the plague. people buy land, do the minimal amount to it,then start building.
Yeah, we're like the rich overflow from the cities. Gotta love the 'burbs and the mass exodus from the 'burbs into the city at 9 AM and the mass exodus from the city into the 'burbs at 5 PM.
It's easier to retrofit an old house with modern wiring than it is to hunt down and eradicate a mold problem in the walls of a new house... ever notice that mold in homes is a fairly recent phenomenon? I'd venture to guess it has something to do with how well-sealed and "energy efficient" a new house is, meaning less air circulates and so leaks don't dry out... that, or builders have forgotten how to put on a quality roof and seal a wall.

In a way, I might be inclined to believe the latter. Walk into a new shopping center two years after it's built and count the number of water stains on the drop ceiling tiles.
Gonz said:
One that was built BELOW SEA LEVEL???? I sure as shit hope we're not spending a dime. Let the Mayor & his crew of chocolate people handle it.

Chocolate people? What's that mean?

Many large American cities are built with a with a potential danger of some sort.
Inkara1 said:
The point? It's CYCLICAL. To claim that humans are the reason for it is pompous, irresponsible and foolish.

Interesting bit of denial.

Since the early 1900s, a definite warming trend has been detected which is considered by scientists to be distinct from the cyclical variations that the Earth has experienced for millennia.

The current average global surface temperature of 15C is nearly 0.6C higher than it was a 100 years ago - most of the increase has been the consequence of human activity.
y'know, I dunno if I like politics. I don't really have a clear idea of what I believe when it comes to them, and I think a lot of it is very blurry as to who is right and who is wrong, and it's like, how much does that stuff really affect day to day life? Some of it is interesting to discuss, but whenever I end up posting in the really political threads, I wonder if I'm being honest or whether I'm trying to fit in with one side or the other.

I mean, I don't consider myself a republican or a right winger. I don't like Bush. I don't actively dislike him, but I do actively dislike people who blindly hate him.

I just think, it's possible to spend so much time arguing politics, and where does it really get you? Neither party is gonna have an extended victory. Look at the past, just off the top of my head, I can't think of a time where one party was in charge for more than 12 years, excluding FDR and Truman. The reps are gonna pull something, the dems are gonna retailiate, and my daily life won't change at all.
Altron said:
y'know, I dunno if I like politics. I don't really have a clear idea of what I believe when it comes to them, and I think a lot of it is very blurry as to who is right and who is wrong, and it's like, how much does that stuff really affect day to day life? Some of it is interesting to discuss, but whenever I end up posting in the really political threads, I wonder if I'm being honest or whether I'm trying to fit in with one side or the other.

I mean, I don't consider myself a republican or a right winger. I don't like Bush. I don't actively dislike him, but I do actively dislike people who blindly hate him.

I just think, it's possible to spend so much time arguing politics, and where does it really get you? Neither party is gonna have an extended victory. Look at the past, just off the top of my head, I can't think of a time where one party was in charge for more than 12 years, excluding FDR and Truman. The reps are gonna pull something, the dems are gonna retailiate, and my daily life won't change at all.

welcome to the majority.

do NOT let OTC teach you politics, here is a place of extremes, on all sides.

moderates don't really argue politics, cause like you said, 90% does not affect our lives directly. If you feel the political party in charge has done something so heinously wrong, then you do something about it.

We just like the sounds of our own voices.

The only way we are more polically active than anyone else is we might be more likely to vote.
Yeah, it's like, I try to agree with people on one thing, and suddenly you have to agree with them on everything or you get flamed, so I find myself arguing for something that I don't really support.

Although, I DO like America, and I'm glad I live here. Our government ain't always right, but it's usually got the right idea. I don't like it when people are like "waaah waaah america sucks" because it's like, in so many countries, if you said that, the secret police would drop down your chimney and kill you. the current guys in charge, libs and cons both, aren't the best people around, but what people don't get is that those guys aren't america, america is a collection of people who, for the most part, want the freedom to say and do as they please and live their lives the way they want.

I dunno, I just think the debate runs the same course every time. Very little in the conversation changes, and very little in the world changes. I'd much rather focus my attention on something that makes more of a difference on a daily basis.
Altron said:
I dunno, I just think the debate runs the same course every time. Very little in the conversation changes, and very little in the world changes. I'd much rather focus my attention on something that makes more of a difference on a daily basis.
paul_valaru said:
cause like you said, 90% does not affect our lives directly.


100% of politics affects your daily life. What you chose to accept or ignore is is your business.

Moderates don't argue politics because they're busy burying their heads & ignoring what's happening around them instead of taking a stand.
spike said:

Nice use of an op-ed piece. It's obvious you didn't actually read what I said, and instead just saw that it doesn't fully agree with you so I must be "in denial." I have seen evidence with my own eyes that the ocean is not at the highest level ever. Just because it's the highest "on record" means absolutely nothing -- just how far do records go back? Certainly not even to the last ice age, let alone to the point where we can know exactly what happened on particular dates 30,000 years ago. Because of that, how can scientists know more than generalities of the warming and cooling cycle? How can they know for sure that the globe has never warmed up at the rate of just over half a degree per century before? Also, which scientists do we speak of?

Your argument is a lot less convincing than you think it is.
highwayman said:
I do not see the conection of this and the subject of this thread..

woah woah woah woah woah woah. stop.

i got yelled at for bringing a thread back ON TOPIC a little bit ago. Now spike gets scolded for taking a thread OFF TOPIC on OFF TOPIC CENTRAL? just because you disagree?
Gonz said:
Moderates don't argue politics because they're busy burying their heads & ignoring what's happening around them instead of taking a stand.

Moderates get drowned out by the wackos on either side of a debate. Moderate solutions get picked apart by fundameltalists on both extreems for different reasons.

Moderates use common sense to come to conclusions instead of blindly following an ideology no matter what. Unfortulatly this doesn't do well in politics, slogans like "you're either fer-us or a-gin-us" and "no blood for oil" make better headlines and rally posters than "sensible foreign policy".
rrfield said:
Moderates get drowned out by the wackos on either side of a debate. Moderate solutions get picked apart by fundameltalists on both extreems for different reasons.

Moderates use common sense to come to conclusions instead of blindly following an ideology no matter what. Unfortulatly this doesn't do well in politics, slogans like "you're either fer-us or a-gin-us" and "no blood for oil" make better headlines and rally posters than "sensible foreign policy".
Sensible?!?!? Sensible?!?!?!?

I keep trying to tell him rr, but he's too busy holding his fingers in his ears and going "la la la la la" to get it.

One point I have to disagree with, though. There is no such thing as "common sense." If it were "common" wouldn't there be a hell of a lot more of it?
I don't have the amount of background knowledge you guys do, and I don't have the life experience you guys do.

I can't make an informed decision on what I feel is right or wrong when it comes to politics, so I'd prefer to wait until I can, instead of blindly repeating one side or the other's bullshit.

And, let's face it, a couple of posts about my car or something makes a much larger difference than months' of political posts.
Altron said:
I can't make an informed decision on what I feel is right or wrong

You can't make an informed opinion on anything you feel. Informed opinion requires thought & judgement. Feelings are fleeting & are worth nothing outside of a little tete-a-tete with the wimmin friends.