2006 Tropical Storm Season Now Below Normal

you think jsut cause the earth self regulated for all these years that it can handle the changes to it's ecosystems we are creating? We are interuppting the natural cycle of things, and while we can't all go back to being hunter gatherers, we can make some effort to curtail or effects.

I don't see us turning the earth into a cinder (baring nuclear war) anytime soon, but the effects are cumulative, like smoking.
Volcanos. Earthquakes. Forest fire. Drought. Flood.

A small sampling of things far more devastating than a 1974 Pinto.
Volcanos. Earthquakes. Forest fire. Drought. Flood.

A small sampling of things far more devastating than a 1974 Pinto.

depends if it is reverse or not.

nuclear meltdowns, oilspills, unnaturally erdoded topsoil.

as for those things, except volcanos, those are not too destructive, on a global scale.
Nuclear meltdowns...

What happens when a yellow dwarf becomes a red giant?

Nature at its finest.
No matter what the social engineers tell you, the only problem we present planet Earth is a few minor blemishes. We can do nothing that nature can't do, at a million times the intensity.

Do any of us want polluted air or water? Of course not. When we saw the problem, we cleaned up our act. Then we told China that they don't need to learn form our mistakes & to go ahead & make their own mess. (Kyoto)
No matter what the social engineers tell you, the only problem we present planet Earth is a few minor blemishes. We can do nothing that nature can't do, at a million times the intensity.

Do any of us want polluted air or water? Of course not. When we saw the problem, we cleaned up our act. Then we told China that they don't need to learn form our mistakes & to go ahead & make their own mess. (Kyoto)

while I agree we have nothing on mother nature, hell, yellowstone is a giant volcano waiting to erupt so big it will be an extinction level event.

but all those blemishs will add up, and if we do not watch what we are doing we will add more and more blemishes till all we are is a blemish
There are more pollutants put out by a volcano eruption than mankind is capable of spewing. There is oil by the boatload seeping from the seabed-it vanishes, with the help of salt water & motion. Earthquakes displace everything they touch, changing the course of rivers, or more amazingly, continents. Dust storms over deserts immobilize everything in their path. Fires burn down thousands of acres, thanks to lightning. Floods destroy mountains & wipe out herds of critters. Bacterium & virii descimate populations. We're continually bombarded by solar radiation & electro magnetic energy.

We are incapable of anything of consequence, save our own destruction. Even that pales in comparison to the efficiency of nature.
There are more pollutants put out by a volcano eruption than mankind is capable of spewing. There is oil by the boatload seeping from the seabed-it vanishes, with the help of salt water & motion. Earthquakes displace everything they touch, changing the course of rivers, or more amazingly, continents. Dust storms over deserts immobilize everything in their path. Fires burn down thousands of acres, thanks to lightning. Floods destroy mountains & wipe out herds of critters. Bacterium & virii descimate populations. We're continually bombarded by solar radiation & electro magnetic energy.

We are incapable of anything of consequence, save our own destruction. Even that pales in comparison to the efficiency of nature.

and all those things are taken care of by our natural enviroment, and enviroment we are disrupting, even though it may seem minor little things now, what about when our population grows, and 3rd world countries catch up to the western world.
There are more pollutants put out by a volcano eruption than mankind is capable of spewing. There is oil by the boatload seeping from the seabed-it vanishes, with the help of salt water & motion. Earthquakes displace everything they touch, changing the course of rivers, or more amazingly, continents. Dust storms over deserts immobilize everything in their path. Fires burn down thousands of acres, thanks to lightning. Floods destroy mountains & wipe out herds of critters. Bacterium & virii descimate populations. We're continually bombarded by solar radiation & electro magnetic energy.

We are incapable of anything of consequence, save our own destruction. Even that pales in comparison to the efficiency of nature.

You keep claiming things that have been disproven by evidence already given in this thread. It clear form the evidence humans have affected the cycle.

What I don't see is you presenting anything but denial. Got anything on this single volcano eruption being able to produce more global warming causing poluttion that billions of hums?
What I don't see is you presenting anything but denial. Got anything on this single volcano eruption being able to produce more global warming causing poluttion that billions of hums?

Hows this..

Since Mount St. Helens started erupting in early October, it has been pumping out between 50 and 250 tons a day of sulfur dioxide, the lung-stinging gas that causes acid rain and contributes to haze.

or this..

Together with the tephra and entrained air, volcanic gases can rise tens of kilometers into Earth's atmosphere during large explosive eruptions. Once airborne, the prevailing winds may blow the eruption cloud hundreds to thousands of kilometers from a volcano. The gases spread from an erupting vent primarily as acid aerosols (tiny acid droplets), compounds attached to tephra particles, and microscopic salt particles.

Another one...

When the eruption style changed, however, the daily release of as much as 2,000 tons of sulfur dioxide gas led to a persistent air pollution problem downwind.

Amazing what can be found if it is looked for....
Try this one. There are also any number of books on the subject, both for and against. Even the ones for completely fail to predict the dire consequences that the popular press seems to want to express. The simple fact is that the perceived (and oft referred to) consensus on global warming among the scientific community does not exist. It never has.
Amazing what can be found if it is looked for....

Nothing there that says a volacnoe causes more global warming pollatants than billions of people. In fact sulfur dioxide isn't the problem.

Yearly averages of global temperatures have steadily increased since the industrial revolution, mid-1700's to mid-1800's in England, addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from industrial processes and the internal combustion engine. Carbon dioxide is abundant in volcanic gases, but not enough to significantly contribute to the greenhouse effect. Volcanoes contribute about 110 million tons of carbon dioxide per year while man's activities contribute about 10 billion tons per year.
a super volcano CAN produce much more, the fact is right now there is no super volcanos errupting.

and if there was warming would be the least of our concerns, the ash would block out the sun, the earth would cool, crops would die, and we would all starve to death, and rats would evolve into the new dominante life on earth.

Yearly averages of global temperatures have steadily increased since the industrial revolution, mid-1700's to mid-1800's in England,
Nope, no sign of a pattern. Or was someone expecting a immediate response to mans intererence with the system? Of course, how do they know it'sbeen increasing? We've only kept records for a century or so.

The volcano thing, I've seen several sites that had info & posted a few, I believe. Look around.
Nope, no sign of a pattern. Or was someone expecting a immediate response to mans intererence with the system? Of course, how do they know it'sbeen increasing? We've only kept records for a century or so.

The volcano thing, I've seen several sites that had info & posted a few, I believe. Look around.

They do glacier analysis to get info from way back.

I got the info on volcanoes. Man is crushing them in the race to produce climate changing pollutants.