I'll be hosting a party at my house
Are your sisters coming in?
Silly Hawaiin's...by the time you get to 2009, we'll all be in February.
I'm going to try to go see my great aunt, that's having bad knee trouble, and take her some greens, sometime real soon.
Ever wondered why so many people think they can do a journalist's job better than the journalist can, yet so few actually get hired at news outlets?How do you guys know the news so far ahead od schedule?
Silly Hawaiin's...by the time you get to 2009, we'll all be in February.
We have our New Years Eve rituals. At midnight, turn on all the lights and toss coins into all rooms. Supposed to bring luck and money to the house in the upcoming year. Been doing it for the past decade or so. We never run out of money and we haven't killed each other so I guess its working.
We eat greens for the "luck"/money.....
The way it works is it brings work, but it's up to the person to make the money or not.
My theory is that greens give stamina. so you can work better, and longer.