a society without lies, is it possible?

Luis G

Staff member
Most people lie on different levels, lies that vary from simple courtesy to lies pursuing a goal.

What would happen if we shall tell the truth all the time?, would that leave us aislated from the rest of the society?
It could get ugly if there were no lies.

"Do I look fat in this" is a prime example of lying that needs to be preserved :D
Gonz said:
"Do I look fat in this" is a prime example of lying that needs to be preserved

In that case I'd just have to resort to refusing to answer on the grounds that my reply might hurt someone's feelings...
But in refusing to answer you are basically admitting that your answer would hurt their feelings, which is just as bad as saying it in the first place.

It would be nice if everyone was honest all the time in any and all circumstances, but to be realistic, that cannot happen, not now, not ever, not in a million years.

Not as long as there are politicians and they come up with their screwed up concepts of correctness.
I keep thinking Gonz is really Ozzy Osbourne and wont admit it.:eek: :headbang:
I try to live without lying. And I've managed to hold to a promise I made to my daughter when she was born. That I'd never lie to her. Granted, there have been a few times that she wished I did.
It completely depends on the situation. There are lies that protect & lies that deceive. If somebody looks okay in that dress, lie to them. If they look horrendous, tell 'em the truth.

Lies of deceit are, of course, another matter altogether. They should be illegal & punishable by public flogging. Come to think about it, they can be illegal & punishable by jail so we're almost there.

example of Prof's promise potentially backfiring---you pretend you're Slick Willie & it isn't really sex. Momma finds out & doesn't boot yer ass but she does make your life a living hell for awhile. Your daughter asks "what's the matter"? "Nothing" is a lie, none of your business solves nothing & the truth is not for her to know. There are times it is acceptable.:shrug:
I have tried to stay away from lying, it's been a long time since i last lied, thou that doesn't mean i don't hide truths.

I've lost many potential friendships because of my honesty, but i've also gained the complete trust of several people, it seems that once they know you are not bullshiting them, they refuse to lie to you as well, i guess that's the only way to build up confidence, or at least the only way i know of.

Now, there's something called piety lies, i don't like them neither, but i feel it isn't bad to use them from time to time.
Lies are necessary, because sometimes the truth hurts.

Honey asks "Does this outfit make me look fat?"

You know damn well if you said,
"No sweetie, the outfit doesn't make you look fat, you look fat anyway",
you're not gonna be getting any nookie in the near future.
This topic is way too heavy for me to discuss on the web. I enjoyed reading what you said though.:headbang:
Gonz, you forget that playing slick Willie would be lying to the missus in the first place. And anyone playing slick Willie doesn't have the moral integrity to care about breaking a lie, or lying to their kids in the first place.
what's platying slick willie?, does it have anything to do with sex?
former President Clinton was nicknamed Slick Willie & we all know what he got. :dance:
Gonz said:
former President Clinton was nicknamed Slick Willie & we all know what he got


Lying does have it's good points, but I prefer thinking of it as glossing over the truth...giving it a nice spin etc...

Silence is golden in certain situations...the truth doesn't have to hurt if you keep your answers short (Yes/No/Maybe).

A society without lies...is one without people...I could see many murdes in the first few days/weeks/months.