A threat to US military from the Dems

Psst...I think somebody just wants links. Spike says he was an eyewitness, and has been called on it...trying to use my example. The thing he doesn't acknowledge is that I was actually in Iraq. Where else could I possibly get Stories lie these? They weren't in the media at home...:shrug:

Emailed to you, made up, media elsewhere but at home? That certainly doesn't prove you were in Iraq or doing anything that make you above providing links to evidence for your BS.
What's an AUP?

Whatever it is, you've clearly established you can post any BS you want, provide no evidence or link, and simply claim you know some eyewitness. Right?

Acceptable Use Policy Specifically 4)7.3.

I provide links & Gato is a long established member here. If you have a problem with the waythings are run....please, feel free to find yourself another website. You'll find few sites willing to accept as much acrimony as OTC but we do have a few simple rules. Pleases follow them.
You do not always provide links at all and Gato's "cause I said" so does not provide links and should not be considered a valid response, especially when it evidence is provided that contradicts his statements and none can be found to substantiate them.
You do not always provide links at all

A question for the regulars...do I provide links or other pertinent information, usually without being asked?

and Gato's "cause I said" so does not provide links and should not be considered a valid response,

Gato is a current member of the US Armed Forces. That is without question. Gato has recently spent time in the warzone, also without question. He is providing an eyewitness account. That would suffice for the US Court system. If it's not good enough for you, tough shit.
A question for the regulars...do I provide links or other pertinent information, usually without being asked?

Gato is a current member of the US Armed Forces. That is without question. Gato has recently spent time in the warzone, also without question. He is providing an eyewitness account. That would suffice for the US Court system. If it's not good enough for you, tough shit.

I'm a regular and can answer that. Often you say "I've posted evidence for that before, search for it".

How is it without question. What proof have you seen? Again, how many Iraqis has he personally polled and how many Arabic dialects does he speak?

This would be thrown out of court so fast your head would spin.
Fortunately for us, we're not in court. We're on a friendly bulletin board, provided free of charge to it's members, by a very generous man, and supported by his generosity and that of others through donations.

Unfortunately, that membership is dwindling thanks to all the constant political wrangling. Many people are simply not posting anymore.
You do not always provide links at all and Gato's "cause I said" so does not provide links and should not be considered a valid response, especially when it evidence is provided that contradicts his statements and none can be found to substantiate them.

Personal opinion and copy-pastes are 2 different things. We do try to put a link for copy-paste stuff, just to be legally safe.
This is one of the scariest things I've read in awhile;

As the chair in Ways & Means, he literally controls the purse stings. Cutting funding to our troops...even threatening it...in a time of war & by a member of Congress should be illegal.

The Hill

Cut funding, Impeach GW & then Cheney (on what grounds?) leaving Nancy Pelosi as President. That's their plans, folks. The word of America would forever by null & void.

Ready for a new revolution? I hope so.

Treason! Yet the more often people like Rangel, Dean, Clinton, & Pelosi open their mouths and ooze their hatred for this country and give aid and comfort to its' enemies the less of a chance they have come election time.

Fortunately, the American people can see that the only platform the Dems can run on is the one that shows their priority to re-take power. Hopefully Raspy Rangel will keep his promise to quit Congress when the Dems lose in November.
The last real war we fought was WWII. There was a clear objective, and nobody asked for a timeline because we knew you couldn't apply such stupidity to a war. We've forgotten that the way you win a war is to beat the enemy into submission, not just to reach some nebulous 'objective' put forth by the foolish and the ignorant...

well yer right about WWII. "total war" v what we have now, a festering money pit.

yes, and we likely won't reach the nebulous and foolish objectives of the twits that hatched the iraq war.

and given that, timing does matter when you're flushing money down the toilet every day. my tax dollars aren't for their welfare project. or to subsidize their primitive plantation economy (oil is the contemporary analogue of cotton) while this nation racks up an absurd debt that will retard our economic competitiveness for years. fuck that shit.
Treason! Yet the more often people like Rangel, Dean, Clinton, & Pelosi open their mouths and ooze their hatred for this country and give aid and comfort to its' enemies the less of a chance they have come election time.

Fortunately, the American people can see that the only platform the Dems can run on is the one that shows their priority to re-take power. Hopefully Raspy Rangel will keep his promise to quit Congress when the Dems lose in November.

I always find it interesting (if not laughable) how often the right accuses the left of "TREASON!!!!" They're bad=mouthing the opposition, kinda just like you are. The sad thing is that such vitriol rather than a stance on a given position is what wins elections in Amerika.
They're bad=mouthing the opposition,

They're badmouthing the Commander in Chief while we have our military on the ground in a foreign nation.

Sounds like treason, looks like treason, must be treason. Once the firing began, the debate should have been over. The left has learned, from history, that we will tire of the whining resulting in a decline in support for the war & whoever is President.

It would be more productive to back our operations & once completed, let the chips fall where they may.
Yeah, yeah, I see. When the right disagrees that's the voice of righteous dissension, when anyone else does it's treason. :lol: Hostilities ended what, four years ago. It was in all the papers.
I always find it interesting (if not laughable) how often the right accuses the left of "TREASON!!!!" They're bad=mouthing the opposition, kinda just like you are. The sad thing is that such vitriol rather than a stance on a given position is what wins elections in Amerika.

The Dems give aid and comfort to the enemy--a fact, not an accusation.

Is it coincidence that AQ2 is using the Dem's words in his recent video statement?


Ayman al-Zawahiri said:
...why don't you tell them how many million citizens of America and it's allies you intend to kill in search of the imaginary victory and in breathless pursuit of the mirage towards which you are driving your people’s sons in order to increase your profits?

Can't you be honest at least once in your life, and admit that you are a deceitful liar who intentionally deceived your nation when you drove them to war in Iraq?

What could be the explanation for the fact that AQ's leaders believe that their most effective public relations strategy is to repeat the Democrat Party's talking points? He is just repeating the Liberal company line to try to further divide this country.
They're badmouthing the Commander in Chief while we have our military on the ground in a foreign nation.

And when hasn't the US had military in a foreign country :rolleyes:

So the Pres isn't allowed to be criticized for anything from education reform to finance?
Is it coincidence that AQ2 is using the Dem's words in his recent video statement?

You don't even understand that?

Main Entry: pro·pa·gan·da
Pronunciation: "prä-p&-'gan-d&, "prO-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Congregatio de propaganda fide Congregation for propagating the faith, organization established by Pope Gregory XV died 1623
1 capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions
2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect

As far as he is concerned (me too, as far as it goes) there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans. Jeez, wake up and smell the coffee. The muslim extremists hate us (the west, not just the US, we're simply the most obvious target) regardless of who is in power or why.

Note that you should keep number three firmly in mind because our own government continues to use it on us.
As far as he is concerned (me too, as far as it goes) there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans.

Correct. Yet, when our leftists decide to assist the enemy, they are fighitng the wrong group & are fully unaware of it. Cutting their own throats.

When was the last time conservatives (or Republicans) called the CiC stupid & Nazi & illegitimate while troops were on the ground?