A world without religion

SouthernN'Proud said:
If God and/or Satan did not exist, man would create them out of necessity.

I agree (more or less), except of course I think we did. At some point (I used to think sooner rather than later, but now I'm not so sure) we'll outgrow this need for someone else to blame things on.

I also seriously believe that we would be more advanced, both scientifically and socially if religion had never existed (in answer to Bish's question).

Could it be any more corrupt? :shrug:
chcr said:
I agree (more or less), except of course I think we did. At some point (I used to think sooner rather than later, but now I'm not so sure) we'll outgrow this need for someone else to blame things on.

I also seriously believe that we would be more advanced, both scientifically and socially if religion had never existed (in answer to Bish's question).

Could it be any more corrupt? :shrug:

Sure. It could be secular politics. Look for yourself. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Sure. It could be secular politics. Look for yourself. ;)

That would make some of it equally corrupt with less self-righteous rationalization, IMO. :shrug: I don't think religious politics is any less corrupt than secular politics.
I used to think that religion slowed down progress in the scientific forums.. with the flat-earth ideal, the eart at the center of the universe thing etc.. then again, I doubt that the world and society in general at that time was ready for such a revelation and it wouldn't have helped us along any faster had we known the truth about the shape of the earth. :shrug:

Organized religion has helped promote language, writing, archiving, currency, art and architecture...and when they woke up re: science, their huge amounts of funds helped make travel more possible, trade or no trade. Not to mention Faucault's pendulum.
One day in the distant future people who believed in ghosts,
deities and superstition will be looked upon as ignorant souls
worthy of pity.
Winky said:
One day in the distant future people who believed in ghosts,
deities and superstition will be looked upon as ignorant souls
worthy of pity.
Winky said:
One day in the distant future people who believed in ghosts,
deities and superstition will be looked upon as ignorant souls
worthy of pity.

We should frame that and put in on the fridge. It may be your only moment of sanity. ;)
A moment of sanity?
Damn how did I do that?
I gotta know how it happened
to preclude a reoccurrence!
Good Afternoon,

This discussion reminds me of George Carlin's take on religion:

"When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest

Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.

And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you.

He loves you, and He needs money!

He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!

Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!"


- DFisherman
MrBishop said:
I used to think that religion slowed down progress in the scientific forums.. with the flat-earth ideal, the eart at the center of the universe thing etc.. then again, I doubt that the world and society in general at that time was ready for such a revelation and it wouldn't have helped us along any faster had we known the truth about the shape of the earth. :shrug:

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but we do live on a flat earth. With solid objects. Neither of which is true, but the average Joe lives as though they were. When's the last time you worried about a glass falling through a table?
Professur said:
Perhaps you haven't noticed, but we do live on a flat earth. With solid objects. Neither of which is true, but the average Joe lives as though they were. When's the last time you worried about a glass falling through a table?


We're not talking about the average Joe, but society as a whole. The earth could be in the shape of a Tabernacle (as was also originally thought) but it won't bother the average Joe, with the exception of farmers who are assisted by knowing when seasons begin and end.

Mind you, society as a whole needs science to plot trade routes, navigate by the stars, tell time, measure distances, build buildings, move heavy weights, make bricks, build aquaducts etc.. to advance. If you're working with wrong assumptions...you get faulty results. GIGO. If you think that you'll fall off the face of the earth if you go more than 2 days out to sea... you don't go out to sea.
DFisherman said:
Good Afternoon,

This discussion reminds me of George Carlin's take on religion:
George Carlin should hang around a church office for a few hours if he thinks that they're rolling in dough from those tax benefits :D
George Carlin is one of the best comedians. Though he is not as funny as he once was.

I do not think it would be better. I do feel religion causes more problems than it solves but then agian it can be a good thing. People can be moral wihtout religion and sometimes even when they are religious they have no morals.
MrBishop said:
George Carlin should hang around a church office for a few hours if he thinks that they're rolling in dough from those tax benefits :D
Take a stroll through Vatican City and tell me that the church doesn't have money. The priceless treasures packed away in there are ten fold a kings ransom.
chcr said:
That would make some of it equally corrupt with less self-righteous rationalization, IMO. :shrug: I don't think religious politics is any less corrupt than secular politics.

You're joking, right? Politicians are the most self-righteous people on the planet! And, talk about rationalization, didn't our last president try to change the definition os sex to suit his own perspective, and get out of trouble? Yes, religion has it's self-righteous assholes as well, but they don't make decisions that could get me killed. ;)
Jesse Jackson, Jerry Fallwell, Jim Baker... :shrug:

Oops, almost forgot to mention the catholic priesthood...

Got anything more corrupt than that?
SouthernN'Proud said:
If God and/or Satan did not exist, man would create them out of necessity.
That's pretty well my take on it as well. Even though I don't believe they exist I think that it was quite natural for man to invent them simply to explain the stuff that we didn't understand. I do see sometime religon going to the wayside and I'm slightly disturbed by that. I guess I can only hope that the morals that religon taught stay around.
Well, as most of you know by now, I fervently believe both exist. Some of the statements I see on here make me very sad and very concerned for some folks. But it's not my life to answer for.

I made my original statement on a non-religious stance. Despite my personal beliefs, I feel that man would create dieties on his own. It happened in Biblical times with false idols, and it happens today in our more remote tribal cultures. Almost anywhere man congregates, a diety of some sort always emerges.

Now, if there really is no God or Satan, wonder where the concept of a diety at all came from? Makes me wonder...