Y'know, I see a lot of chest beating WRT catholicism. But that's hardly the only religion out there. The first religions came from primitive man trying to explain what he couldn't understand. It was then extended to form community groups. To empower leaders. And before you slight that, look at what those leaders accomplished. Egypt. Babylonia. Sumaria. Rome. The Mayas. Even early Hawaiians used religion to empower their people. And those people would never have progressed further than the sheep they are without that empowerment. You want to talk science. Well, without religion, the society that science needs to support it never would have existed.
Look across the globe. Find me one culture, one land, completely without religion. There aren't any. Even cultures like the greater Adamandese (sp) who weren't even discovered until the late 19th century had religion.
Now stand back for a sec. Think this one through (except for bish). Every culture that has advanced scientifically has imploded. Without exception. We, right now, are rejecting religion more and more. Could that same thing have been the undoing for ancient cultures? I know that there were several upheavals in Egyptian religion, which saw the destruction or abandonment of entire cities. Older cultures didn't leave us as good a record, but could religious upheaval have been the reason for their fall too? Could our lack of faith, in the face of the Muslim renaissance of belief be our downfall?