A world without religion

Professur said:
*yawn* I added that bit for one reason. Because you always do the same thing. Attack everything I say like a rabid dog attacking someone wearing steak underwear. No, you haven't read what I wrote. You probably never will.

Are you the pot or the kettle today?
Professur said:
Evidently, I'm the guy wearing steak undies.
What kind of steak? I'd have to say wearing steak undies might not be too comfy, even without the pack of dogs that would surely follow you, there would be an eerie squishy feeling when you sit down, isn't there?
rrfield said:
Did it ever occur to you that there are athiests who really just don't believe in God for one reason or another? Perhaps they have actually thought about the existance of God and decided it's illogical? That they aren't athiest just because it's the "cool" thing to do?

Preface: I chose this post to quote from the several responses my last post received from pure convenience. I am not singling out this person, or neglecting anyone else who replied to my statements. It's 100% a matter of convenience.

All I can say is, I have met numerous souls who claim atheism. I got the exact same nonverbal language from each, and I see it all over the posts on this forum. Every time y'all get the chance, you jump through your own assholes to declare just how atheist you are. Wonderful. Congratulations. I'm truly pleased you found a set of ideals you feel comfortable aligning your life with. Many don't. I too have found my own, and also am not in the least ashamed to proclaim it. As I'm certain you have noticed. So on that point, we are even in our rabidity toward our set of moral guidelines.

When I meet someone face to face who decides, for reasons of their own, to enlighten me regarding their atheism, it's the same thing every single time. In outline form:

I. The Grand Announcement
A. Pace - "Well, I'm an atheist (pregnant pause inserted to ensure no one missed the proclamation) and I think...."
B. Framing - Make sure you look around the room and gather in all the facial expressions.

II. Autonomic Nervous System Cues
A. Optic - Eyes widen in anticipation of the coming confrontation.
B. Respiratory - Breathing quickens and becomes shallow with heightened excitement.
C. Auditory - Hearing becomes hypersensitive to make sure and catch any real or perceived opportunity to prove one's theories.

III. Cognitive Factors
A. Offense - Mental processes become hurried in one's excited state, often speaking very fast.
B. Defense - Short term memory becomes impaired frequently, resulting in the "unintentional" contextual misunderstanding of "opponent's" own statements.

IV. Denouement
A. Smugness factor increases exponentially.
B. Sense of self overinflates.
C. Vital signs slowly return to baseline status.
D. Retreat to one's lair to enjoy an evening of NPR programming.

V. Conclusion: It's 99% attention getting, 1% rebellion. I understand. I felt the same way when I was younger. I joined the KISS Army; you became an atheist. You sat potato, I say tater. I just haven't risked as much as you have.

See, we theists have about 140,000 different denominations, sects, and offshoots that define us. Atheists are all the same...y'all don't believe any of it.


DISCLAIMER: The preceding stereotypes are presented wholly from the author's experiences, and are solely the summation of his previous encounters with the population in question. No public or private funding has been dispersed to assist in this research. The author would like to remind all readers that stereotypes are fun, and should be used at every available opportunity. Without them, we have no reason to dislike one another. Any use of the above information without the express written consent of the author is strictly prohibited and may result in fire raining down from Heaven, plagues of locusts, burning bushes, or other heretofore unmentioned sign of the apocolypse.
chcr said:
As they should be. I'm afraid however, that this makes you the exception rather than the rule.

Really, now? I tend to follow my own path as well. Most of the people I know do the same. Perhaps you've been watching Jerry Falwell again? ;)
chcr said:
Interesting theory. A little dated (I first heard it in the late seventies, but it was old even then) but interesting. Sorry to disagree, but if in fact there were no god there still wouldn't be one. I could give a shit about being "different" or "special." I spent no small amount of time deciding, and I see no evidence and no reason why I should believe that any religion or any god is not simply a logical extension of the preceding myth (in fact, if you trace them this becomes evident). IMO it's all a myth to explain things you don't comprehend. Well, just because we don't comprehend something doesn't make it incomprehensible or require a supernatural agent. I know that many atheists go out of their way to antagonize the theists, but I know what I know just as you do. We simply don't know the same things. I can promise you that I am just as certain as you are. :shrug:

Note to Prof: Every society big enough to be remembered has imploded except for the current ones (I think these will too, but that's just an opinion).

My theory? Societies fall apart when people overlook what they have for what they want.
SouthernN'Proud said:
V. Conclusion: It's 99% attention getting, 1% rebellion. I understand. I felt the same way when I was younger. I joined the KISS Army; you became an atheist. You sat potato, I say tater. I just haven't risked as much as you have.

When did I become an athiest?