freako104 said:
in terms of opinion yes. in terms of fact no. but I think all life forms are equal. I just feel that if we had not invented weapons and pollution and the like we would be worthy enough to be.
freako, tools (weapons) and their side-effects (pollution et al) are the
reason we're at the top of the food-chain.

In nature, there are pretty much only 2 rules. Eat, or be eaten.
Now back on topic...
Abusing prisoners is not only against international law, but also against the UCMJ. No excuse can cover what happened, and no reasonable mind would think otherwise. We must, however, temper our rhetoric with logic and intelligence...
1. Some of the people who are over in Iraq do not belong in the military. Their actions proved that.
2. The press/news corps has, and is, irresponsible when it comes to gauging both public reaction, and enemy reaction, to their 'news'. If they had any dignity at
all, they would have also reported that those errant assholes who abused their prisoners were already going through an investigation...It started on January 14, 2004 to be exact...that charges had been March...and that the people who turned them in were also soldiers. Of course, that might not have been newsworthy. Got to keep the rubes entertained with 'Bread and Circuses' now, don't they?
3. We, as non-journalists (except for
Inkara), will only hear what the media wants us to hear...We'll only see what they want us to see...and, sadly, we'll only think what they want us to think. Before you react to this, just ask yourself one question...Have you ever formed an opinion, or thought, solely on what you've seen 'in the news'?