America: Freedom to Fascism


Liberals incarcerating people at the barrel of the gun again you say?

or police, firefighters, mail delivery and a whole whack of other tax-paid services that everyone seems to just take for granted.:shrug:

Again, who is going to stop us from just walking in and taking over the local governments houses without firing a shot?
Not having health insurance is treason? interesting.

When the elected gov't begins to strip away our freedoms, attempts to kill free press and free speech, when they begin to purge political opponents from the bureaucracy and take over your every right associated with your health and make every effort to destroy the constitution .... it not treason. Its the American way.

Where do you suppose most LEO's and veterans allegiance lies; with the subversive socialist purposely destroying our nation or the pissed citizens who demand their government adhere to the COTUS

Again, I doubt it will come to this, but be aware that millions of American citizens can see the possibility of necessity and are preparing accordingly.
Oh..I get're Beck in disguise.
Overthrowing democratically elected gvts is treason - also the first step towards fascism. Funny how that works out..the title of the thread leading to thinly veiled threats about overthrowing your gvt.

Hmmm.... I suppose if any of your allegations were true, it'd be something to worry about...but since most of it amounts to a pile of BS about shoulder high, there's nothing to fear but fear-mongerers themselves.

Quick question: After you finish overthrowing the democratically elected GVT...which unelected leaders are you planning on handing it to? Will you still be waving the flag as you stomp on the COTUS this way?

Oh, the irony.
Not having health insurance is treason? interesting.

When the elected gov't begins to strip away our freedoms, attempts to kill free press and free speech, when they begin to purge political opponents from the bureaucracy and take over your every right associated with your health and make every effort to destroy the constitution .... it not treason. Its the American way.

Where do you suppose most LEO's and veterans allegiance lies; with the subversive socialist purposely destroying our nation or the pissed citizens who demand their government adhere to the COTUS

Again, I doubt it will come to this, but be aware that millions of American citizens can see the possibility of necessity and are preparing accordingly.
Tea Party, Taxed Enough Already.


the TeaBagger nane was coined as a sexual delight for the leftist.
You sir, are mistaken.
The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was a reaction to several events and decisions by "The Crown". The tax on tea (and other levies) by the British was implemented as a way to recoup the costs of the French and Indian War and as a way to put their thumb over the "Colonists" who had become far too independent from Britain.

"Colonists" refused to pay the levies of the Townsend Act (of which the tea tax was a part) on the claim that Parliament had no right to tax them without representation. All the levies of the Townsend Act were removed except for the tea tax. "Colonists" refused to buy the tea, and this was a big deal back then because tea was a huge part of every day life.

Even when the cost of tea was reduced to below what it was prior to the Tea Tax implementation (by giving the East India Company a monopoly to sell in the Americas and by reducing the duty on tea) the "Colonists" refused to buy the tea because this would be accepting the tax would be acknowledging Parliament's right impose a tax upon them. They refused to let EIC ships land or forced the EIC to put their tea in warehouses indefinitely.

The main reason for the Boston Tea Party of 1773 was "taxation without representation".

Please read your history books, folks. It's not just about dates and places.
BTW, I thought we got rid of the Fascists when Bush left government. I suppose we still have some hanging around... like dingleberries on a dirty anus.
Not having health insurance is treason? interesting.

Nobody said that. You made that up.

When the elected gov't begins to strip away our freedoms, attempts to kill free press and free speech, when they begin to purge political opponents from the bureaucracy and take over your every right associated with your health and make every effort to destroy the constitution .... it not treason. Its the American way.

Yes, it's true that the last president did those things. But we're fixing that now.

Where do you suppose most LEO's and veterans allegiance lies; with the subversive socialist purposely destroying our nation or the pissed citizens who demand their government adhere to the COTUS

Yes, not so much with the subversive fascist we had with the last president who was trying to destroy the nation and ignore the Constitution. More with the vast improvement we have now that they helped elect.

Again, I doubt it will come to this, but be aware that millions of American citizens can see the possibility of necessity and are preparing accordingly.

There's that fantasy shit again.
You sir, are mistaken.
The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was a reaction to several events and decisions by "The Crown". The tax on tea (and other levies) by the British was implemented as a way to recoup the costs of the French and Indian War and as a way to put their thumb over the "Colonists" who had become far too independent from Britain.

"Colonists" refused to pay the levies of the Townsend Act (of which the tea tax was a part) on the claim that Parliament had no right to tax them without representation. All the levies of the Townsend Act were removed except for the tea tax. "Colonists" refused to buy the tea, and this was a big deal back then because tea was a huge part of every day life.

Even when the cost of tea was reduced to below what it was prior to the Tea Tax implementation (by giving the East India Company a monopoly to sell in the Americas and by reducing the duty on tea) the "Colonists" refused to buy the tea because this would be accepting the tax would be acknowledging Parliament's right impose a tax upon them. They refused to let EIC ships land or forced the EIC to put their tea in warehouses indefinitely.

The main reason for the Boston Tea Party of 1773 was "taxation without representation".

Please read your history books, folks. It's not just about dates and places.

Passing extreme federal budgets and 2000 page, 1.2 trillion dollar bills without the opportunity to read them or fully debate them IS taxation without representation.

BTW, I thought we got rid of the Fascists when Bush left government. I suppose we still have some hanging around... like dingleberries on a dirty anus.

Where was this fascism?

Also, I think RM's point was exact. We're being taxed but not represented.
Where was this fascism?

Also, I think RM's point was exact. We're being taxed but not represented.
We have representation in Congress and that's where your taxed. Tell me there aren't Republicans in Congress. I dare you.

1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc., that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc.

Fascism encouraged militarism and nationalism, organizing the country along hierarchical authoritarian lines.

Had Bush had more time, more and more of our freedoms would have been whittled away.
fundamentally opposed to democracy

Tell the Afghanies & Iraqis that.

Please, tell me you don't see the obvious agenda in that definition?

Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Date: 1921
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control