Well, by demonstrating, the protesters are exercizing their rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. In a 'democracy,' they have that right. Ok, ok, its not a democracy, its a republic, a representative democracy etc etc... Well, when people don't feel like they are being represented, and they disagree with what their government is doing, they have a right to communicate that to them. IF the demonstration is so big, that it shuts down a city the size of New York, obviously the people aren't being well represented, and they have a right to make that know to their representitives. The representitives then should take notice and evaluate the situation, and whether they are acting on behalf of the people or in their own interest. So clearly, if demonstrations become so large as to shut down cities, people aren't being represented. This is the mechanism to communicate this to our representitives. So, in principle, I don't see how you can be against this, it is their right, and their representatives duty to represent them. You can be assured, for every protester, there are thousands of others that are against this war as well. Therefore, I see nothing wrong with this in principle. Our leaders must respect the will of the people. Or, is that slogan a 'government of the people, by the people, and for the people' just a crock of shit? I think we can all agree that it is not, or at least shouldn't be. Therefore, I support their right to do whatever they want, except when I'm playing Civ! Then it can be annoying. Ok, and now, it is annoying for our leaders, and they must sit up and take notice and address these issues. Ok, you don't agree, not everyone is gonna agree, thats life. There are over 280 million people, its impossible that we can all agree on ANYTHING. When its your turn, when some lib is doing something would disaprove of, YOU have the right to protest against that action as well. Remember that! Its part of life under 'democratic' rule. If you wish to change our form of government to something more authoritarian, then you can supress any demonstration you like, but there are obvious trade offs that will have to be made! You can't have it all, life isn't so simple as that.